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  1. Mason&lily

    Is my doe pregnant?llily is in labor !!!

    I will take new pictures tomorrow, her tests look more swollen and longer kinda
  2. Mason&lily

    Is my doe pregnant?llily is in labor !!!

    I'm thinking she is 3 months along looking at her udder
  3. Mason&lily

    Is my doe pregnant?llily is in labor !!!

    She was twin and her mom always had twins so I hope if she is pregnant , it might be twins . This will be her first time kidding
  4. Mason&lily

    Is my doe pregnant?llily is in labor !!!

    The last picture is my other doe , so u can compare
  5. Mason&lily

    Is my doe pregnant?llily is in labor !!!

    I have two Nigerian does , and one one seems to be pregnant but I'm not sure . I had a pygmy buck in with them for almost a year and I saw the girls come in and out of heat and he never did anything , so we decided to sell him since he wasn't doing his job and since I'm going into registered...
  6. Mason&lily

    Lamancha toggenburg cross

    I would like to breed her to my Nigerian then keep a doeling and see how she turns out , then I would look to see if I can find a nice lamamcha buck and breed it to her the second time, then take her doeling from her first kidding and ether breed to a Nigerian or mini lamamcha
  7. Mason&lily

    Lamancha toggenburg cross

    The women I bought them from has a lamancha toggenburg milk doe and said she was one of her best milkers
  8. Mason&lily

    Lamancha toggenburg cross

    I purchased a little lamancha toggenburg doeling , does Any one have this crossing ?how do you like them . She will be my first milk goat, and my first standard goat. She comes from registered stock. She looks like a lamancha but has the toggenburg coloring and markings. I also purchased a...
  9. Mason&lily

    Bottle babies and preparation-What to know

    really handy to have a pack in play
  10. Mason&lily

    Bottle babies and preparation-What to know

    I have two bottle babies right now , my list for there supplies are puppy pads, diapers, a powdered probiotic supplement, goat nutria-drench, soda bottles, and Prichard nipples. I feed mine whole cows milk from the store and every gallon I add 1 cup of buttermilk. This is what works best for me...
  11. Mason&lily

    Bottle babies and preparation-What to know

    I have two bottle babies right now , my list for there supplies are puppy pads, diapers, a powdered probiotic supplement, goat nutria-drench, soda bottles, and Prichard nipples. I feed mine whole cows milk from the store and every gallon I add 1 cup of buttermilk. This is what works best for me...
  12. Mason&lily

    HELP bottle baby goat

    jace the little boy is trouble maker :hideclarie is nice and calm
  13. Mason&lily

    HELP bottle baby goat

    She( her name is Clarie )is 5 days old and he is 1 month now , here is size difference . He was a single and she was a triplet
  14. Mason&lily

    HELP bottle baby goat

    And here is my second one I just got two days ago, a lamancha/toggenburg doeling.she is my first standard goat , all my others are dwarfs
  15. Mason&lily

    HELP bottle baby goat

    Here is the first bottle baby a Nigerian dwarf buckling , he has blue eyes.his name is jace
  16. Mason&lily

    Help , baby goat with Pneumonia??

    she is inside the house
  17. Mason&lily

    Help , baby goat with Pneumonia??

    just took her temp. it was 103.6
  18. Mason&lily

    Help , baby goat with Pneumonia??

    and her snot isn't really green now its kinda white cloudy