My Dad had some acreage once that had a spring that fed into a woods and made a swampy area and fed a small area in the smack dab middle of a tilled field that always had water and sometimes a full fledge pond. It occurred naturally and had reeds and all the wildlife to go with it. He wanted to...
My boys are careless and often times too busy to set down their tablets. I get on them and make them come back and clean up mess. Then the next thing I know is all of a sudden, I'm at fault too. The difference between a boy and a man is innocense according to Bon Jovi. A man learns to respect...
I have not tried to domesticate something wild with one exception, but that is another story.
I heard abt placing grain/feed in a spot where the herd or animal grazes. Then one by one, side by side, panel by panel enclosing it to make a paddock over time until they or it isn't afraid to enter...
Surgeon says he likes the looks of the incision and explained the hardness underneath would most likely go away. I have some midline deviation of the abdominal muscles, but he credits it to wearing down over time and shouldn't be much of an issue. He says weight loss and exercise will strengthen...
I don't know how to tell you to achieve it @Wehner Homestead, but accomplishing some much deserved sleep is essential. Too many health complications brought on by sleep deprivation.
My month of recovery is over. I get to go see the surgeon on Monday to find out if restrictions are lifted. I am guessing he is going to say don't overdo it and stop if it begins to make things sensitive before it hurts. I carried groceries Wednesday in as few of trips as possible, so probably...
I want to build a coop and yard area this Fall and select a few hens next Spring for egg laying. I'm not opposed to a fryer or two, but mainly want the eggs. I'm guessing the chicken math is comparable to the rabbit math I am familiar with. I probably won't have any roosters, so multiplication...
Hey Joe,
I hate to sound like a repetitious wet blanket, but almost as soon as I cut out carbs, the inflammation left. I realize there's an age difference and you have more vigorous work to do than I, but I think it could help you a bunch. The other thing I did was get rid of table salt or cook...
Not enough words for comfort. :hugs
Try not to feel guilty. I agree with @mystang89 that you gave her a good life and she enjoyed her freedom. Accidents happen, so don't beat yourself up. Tie you up a punching bag down in the basement or out in a tool/machine shed and take some good whacks and...