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  1. G

    Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

    Oh dear god...the horror.
  2. G

    Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

    You make ‘em I’ll send you my address and you can mail them to me.
  3. G

    C&D Farming..oh what a life!

    The ice cream looks great.
  4. G

    Grants mini herd

    Good memory.
  5. G

    Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

    That’s horrible. Scrub in and out, gown, glove and mask is all that was needed to contain. Ridiculous Not to let them be with their mother.
  6. G

    Grants mini herd

    Quiet here lately. Raining every day and cooler. I’m working from home covering for people who are home with their kids. Cattle are great, eating the new grass day and only complaining a little about only getting feed every 2 days. Olaf has become very fond of scratching. He now let’s me...
  7. G

    Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

    Even my guard dog has gotten in on the craziness.
  8. G

    Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

    That’s just it. It’s just another flu virus. WTF?
  9. G

    Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

    All the panic is just mystifying to me. We have 7 cases in Mo. All of them travelled to other places and were subjected to it there. No case here was due to community spread....yet nearly all schools are closing, people are buying anything in sight, even if they have no need for it. ARE...
  10. G

    Pregnant or Fat?

    You’re guaranteed to know within 1 year.
  11. G

    Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

    I’m still stocked on ammo from the ammo panics of 2016. :highfive: Doubt the TP supply will last that long.
  12. G

    Grants mini herd

    I only plowed the driveway 1x this winter. Crazy. I’m about to stop supplemental feeding to the calves. Grass and clover coming in strong.
  13. G

    Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

    TP face masks and face masks in general will do nothing to slow this down. More than 50% will get it. Hope when it happens it is a mild case.
  14. G

    Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

    I don’t see grocery stores or pharmacies closing. I have a little more than normal, but the grass is growing for the cattle already and I am taking them off of winter feed already anyway. My wife has CLL, a slow growth leukemia. We are vigilant anyway about cleanliness. Honestly it seems like...
  15. G

    Grants mini herd

    Not my favorite way to do it either, but he won’t allow me alongside and do more than a touch. The good news is he is now the one that is initiating it so not as much of a challenge to him. Tonight the gate seperating the girls and boys got open. Don’t know if I didn’t latch it well or if a...
  16. G

    Mini homestead hopeful

    Welcome and congrats on the move. Tennessee has a great and varied music scene, I Think you will like it. There are several meat rabbit breeders in Tn. I did a quick google search “rabbit Tennessee” and came up with several. Enjoy the adventure.
  17. G

    Grants mini herd

    Well my bull has figured out he likes a good head scratching now. At first I reached through the fence and kind of surprised him with it, he backed up then you could almost see the wheels turning...wait that feels good. Now if he’s nearby all you have to do is move your hand in a scratching...
  18. G

    Minnesota checking in

    Welcome. Sounds like you have a variety going. Enjoy being here.
  19. G

    Jumpin' in with both feet

  20. G

    Grants mini herd

    Not sure how all those pics double or triple loaded. :):he