Got back home last night. Livestock looks good, my wife daughter and granddaughter look better. I did learn my bull learned a bad habit while gone. He wants his head in the bucket the second you come through the gate. Glad he’s not scared, he’s getting too close to be that aggressive with...
I too don’t have a UTV and use a golf cart. I just bought a set of tires for the rear that look like tractor tires. The traction on that thing is horrendous in snow or just mud.
Here’s some light reading.
I‘d start with the last one. It’s a little more in...
Young piglets up to about 80 lbs need creep feed. Ask for it at the feed store.
After that put them on a grower/finisher, again just ask for it.
I understand you’re new to it, but asking for a brand is like asking the truck guys Ford or Chevy or the tractor guys Green or Orange. The brand...
I grew up on a 300 sow feeder pig operation. We farrowed 20 litters a week year round, Landrace and Hampshire crosses mostly. Start with a good feed, I don’t know what feed stores, brands, etc you have available, but like I said, I’m not a brand guy. Start them out on a good creep feed and...
Not a requirement, but they will love it. Pumpkins, watermelon rinds, apple cores, corn cobs from sweet corn....big favorites. As far as that goes, wilted lettuce, I said if you eat it and its at the end of its shelf life, they will gladly eat it and think they are getting a treat.
I personally don’t put much weight in brand name. Most any commercial feed brand produces a good product. What is best available to you and at a reasonable price that meets the nutritional needs is usually going to be just fine. Some folks swear by a specific brand...I just don’t think...
Young pigs, just weaned, should have a creep feed approximately 20% protein. If very young you may want to mix the feed with water or milk replacer. This has 2 benefits, 1 it makes the food more palatable and fights dehydration, a real concern for newly weaned piglets. Watch for scours, it’s...
Pigs can eat about anything a human can eat, just don’t feed them meat products. In addition grains and a protein source are needed. This can be mixed at home or bought. They are especially fond of about any fresh fruit or vegetable that is beyond its useful use for your consumption. Of...
I would agree, looks like 2-3 weeks out. The gestation period for most pigs is 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days, or close. The 333 is easy to remember. She will farrow on her own, but I always liked to be there in case a piglet is born in the sac, just tear it open and get them in the open. As...