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  1. G

    Grants mini herd

    M Not yet. It was frozen when we picked it up. Steaks in the fridge for tomorrow night though. Can’t wait. It looks good with more marbling than I anticipated. The steaks are small, but he was a small breed and only weighed 638 on the hoof.
  2. G

    Grants mini herd

    Houston’s home! Picked him up from the butcher today. He only had enough fat covering to hang 15 days but he looks great, in the package. Small but thick steaks, strips weighed out at about 7 ounces. That’s perfect for me. Should hold me for a while.
  3. G

    Our Steer is Here!

    My bull is 1/2 wagyu so my calves will all be 1/4. Can’t wait.
  4. G

    Our Steer is Here!

    That’s the key. I like grain fed. I call grass fed beef...bad beef.
  5. G

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Not sure why it cut his nose off.
  6. G

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Sterling at 1 day. He’s a silver color cross Hereford, Highland, mini British Park, Wagyu. Our 1st calf born on the farm.
  7. G

    Grants mini herd

    Time for a bbq @Baymule. 🍔🥩
  8. G

    Lol yet another fencing thread

    Those old ACs are great tractors and you can do about anything with them if you know what you are doing. Just don’t shove the auger down so it goes as fast as it can. Go slow and clean out the hole with the auger as you go. If you go too fast you may have to back the auger out. That has to...
  9. G

    Grants mini herd

    A new butcher opened near me about 4-5 months ago. They opened in time for deer season, but until some people went, ididnt want to jump over and get Houston done there. Finally got some reviews and seems they are doing a good job, so I moved Houston’s appt up from late June to next week. He’s...
  10. G

    Grants mini herd

    If you don’t find them, in October, Springfield holds Farm Fest. It’s like a gun show for farm stuff.
  11. G

    Grants mini herd

    Not many around me. Mostly at the fairs and the Farm Fest in the fall.
  12. G

    Grants mini herd

    Thanks Bay. Yes he’s my 1st in about 30 years. I grew up on a big farm, but he’s the 1st for us here.
  13. G

    Grants mini herd

    Thank you all. He and Buddy, the new steer are settling in well and enjoying the 70 degree weather.
  14. G

    Grants mini herd

    Sterling. His name due to the coloring is up and around and doing well this morning.
  15. G

    Grants mini herd

    It’s a nice welcome back to cattle to have to pull the 1st one.
  16. G

    Grants mini herd

    Yep, they are separated.
  17. G

    Lol yet another fencing thread

    I had a similar auger when I was putting in all my fence. You’ll be glad you’ve got that.
  18. G

    Grants mini herd

    Yeah if you're reading this you probably either do know or should know what you are going to see at birth. I just noticed in the pics that daddy was watching all this go down. 😆
  19. G

    Grants mini herd

    Probably should have warned about the graphic images. 😱
  20. G

    Grants mini herd

    Then added this cutie. Hallie had her calf. Our 1st on the farm. Herd went from 4 to 6 real quick. Unfortunately he was a little big for momma and I had to help out. He looked black right at 1st and turned silver as the day went on.