The top line from the rump to where the neck meets the shoulders. The top line, or top, should be straight and level on most species. There are a few exceptions, but not in what you are showing.
When in high school I was on the poultry team, dairy cattle team, but my high point was milk quality and dairy products team. Our team won the national FFA competition and I was the high individual with the lowest score ever. Lower is better, fewer wrong answers. They only count mistakes. 😆😖🥛
Here is one of my heifers, about 7 months pregnant. She has a nearly flawless top line. Here is why it’s important, when pregnant and carrying all the extra weight, She’s still strong in the back. Animals weak in the back only get more pronounced when pregnant. It’s not just a looks thing...
Some just don’t know and have never judged animals. I’m very hard on top lines in all species...just my thing. All judges have things they’ll pick one more than others. And it is a personal thing.
Don’t have him over extend. It can cause that when showing. Let him be comfortable, to an extent. You can fudge it a little with grooming, but you have to be really good at it, and a good judge will spot it anyway. Not much you can do about it if there is a dip. It really will take a...
Balance is comprised of 3 areas: body, width, depth and length.
He is wide based with excellent body width and depth. He is nicely balanced.
Style evaluates 4 areas: top line, neck, breast and shoulder symmetry.
He has a long neck that sits high on the shoulder, a clean breast and a smooth...
Can you get me a shot from directly behind a of the front and rear legs all the way to the hoof? I’m a former Ag teacher, FFA sponsor and American Farmer. I’ll be happy to.
I called in July thinking I was calling in PLENTY of time for a January butcher date. I had to call 5 places and finally got a June 29, 2021 date. 😱. I thought I’d do my butcher on a 20 month old steer...looks like he’ll be 25 months. Oh well. Should be better beef, I was just hoping to not...