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  1. Childwanderer

    [Update: Donkey is doing fine] Donkey seems to have ingested a small amount of plastic

    When I checked on the herd this evening, I discovered that the feed room had been left open since around noon. The wrapped and compressed bale of alfalfa had been pulled off the shelf and bitten open in two places. I did not find any scraps of plastic around that could be from the holes, so I am...
  2. Childwanderer

    Standard donkey barefoot trimming- What should I look for in a farrier?

    I recently acquired a gelded standard-sized donkey. We weren't planning to get a donkey, but he came as a seasoned livestock guardian with our sheep and now lives on soft, frequently moist pasture. I would like to keep his hooves healthy, but have never owned an equid and know next to nothing...
  3. Childwanderer

    Coffee anyone ?

    Just started snowing here! I'll be surprised if it 'sticks,' but then I was already surprised to see snow this early in the year. The donkey has access to the walk-in barn, and the wooly sheep have a tarp-and-pvc-pipe shelter blocking the mean north wind, so I think they'll be alright. This is...
  4. Childwanderer

    farm websites? share them here.....
  5. Childwanderer

    'Hello' from a novice shepherdess in TX

    Good Idea! I've added the info to my signature.
  6. Childwanderer

    Undersized Ramling

    Well, he did have a case of full white-eye-membrane-anemia back in September, two weeks after we brought him home. We dewormed him, gave him some red B-12 vitamin supplements and supplemental alfalfa and he seemed to recover quickly. Do you think that would stunt his growth?
  7. Childwanderer

    'Hello' from a novice shepherdess in TX

    With wintering grass and rainy, foggy, mud, the farm doesn't seem so beautiful right now! XD Be careful with guard donkeys. Ringo is delightfully friendly with us humans (my little brother rubs his ears and sits on him for fun), and suitably aggressive towards dogs (we have no working dogs and...
  8. Childwanderer

    Undersized Ramling

    Hello! I have an 11 month-old polled GCN ram who seems very small for his age. He's short enough in comparison to the ewes he is expected, and eager, to cover, that he doesn't seem capable. The horned ewe at the rear has taken to despise him, not only refusing to stand for him but occassionally...
  9. Childwanderer

    'Hello' from a novice shepherdess in TX

    They are Gulf Coast Natives.
  10. Childwanderer

    'Hello' from a novice shepherdess in TX

    To explain the horn loss, we were trying to build a temporary sun-shade out of scrap wood and a corner support apparently blew over in the wind and cuffed her. The horn stub was bloody and ugly, but she seemed otherwise unfazed and she recovered quickly. (We are now using a much safer pvc...
  11. Childwanderer

    'Hello' from a novice shepherdess in TX

    Thanks! Here they are right after their arrival at our place. They've gained wool since then and the pretty ewe with her head up lost the curly bit off the end of her larger scur, not to mention that they are now sopping wet from the miserable rain we're getting, but this is what they look like...
  12. Childwanderer

    'Hello' from a novice shepherdess in TX

    Greetings, BackYardHerds community! I have two ewes and an 11 month-old ram, accompanied by a dog-despising guard donkey and a couple of farm cats. I've had my herd since September, but have been working with wool for several years. I look forward to picking the brains of the more experienced...