Thinking of you and your good's a hard thing to lose a good, good dog. Some you never fully get over. :hugs I'm so glad you were able to troubleshoot and get her some comfort despite the vets worst efforts. I too do a lot of home vetting in the face of the current greed over care...
You sound like me!! Had the same issue, same response from my fixit guy, so I started checking out the wiring...I had already replaced the battery, the spark plug, and the starter this year, so I knew it had to be wiring, though last year we paid a crooked mower place to fix the exact problem...
One wire????? $300???? :ep :oops::thI think I'd rig up something at those prices...tear into the old wire to see how it's comprised inside the insulation and see if you can duplicate it somehow.
I'll know more about the wiring down there when I tear into mine, but I figured the same thing...
So....was accessing YT and found a vid I hadn't before that said it may be the starter motor. Since that's a relatively cheap part to buy and not too hard to put on, I ordered one off Ebay for $34. Sure hope that's the issue!
Okay all you ATV aficionados(@Alaskan) a problem with my Honda Foreman 450 ES, 2001 model. It is sporadically not starting via the ES and I just hear a click from the solenoid when I press the button on the starter. But....sometimes it fires up just fine, first time.
So, checked...
We normally just pour gas or kerosene down their holes and later on, set it on fire. This is one reason folks shouldn't be in a hurry to kill skunks...skunks LOVE to dig up and eat yellowjackets and ground hornet nests.
I've not located the nest, even after observing that spot in the...
She came from one up in OH, about 3 hrs from us here. Seems like any and all Anatolians are 3-4 hrs from us here, which is why I'm interested in breeding these two every now and again....once, for sure, to bring up some replacement/extra help here and also so folks won't have to go so far to...
Update on Pinky....she's doing MUCH better this evening, following the lambs all over this brush paddock beside the house and barking just fine when I called her for her meds....came down the hill, acting as per usual and I can't see any residual swelling left. She had eaten her food and also...
Not in this case....she started getting a red tinge to her spring to summer wool when I was out of minerals for a time, then turned quickly back to black wool when the minerals were replenished~all of this happened in a few week's time. This sheep has a very short, nappy wool/hair coat, so...
I've had people argue vehemently that it just doesn't happen...that the brown wool doesn't turn back to black but I've seen it happen on Shine, though hers didn't shed out, it just turned back to black, as this was at the beginning of summer.
Right now she's a little more red around her edges...
I was thinking it must have been something pretty bad and possibly she snapped at it like she does a horse fly and got stung inside her mouth. We cannot see a sting site outside and she's still so swollen internally that she's having trouble eating and drinking. And this happened yesterday...
@Baymule...we are thinking of changing up our mineral mix and I know you had mentioned you feed one that has a little Cu in it and was wondering about the name of it? Or was that someone else, perhaps?
Now I'll know what to do if they DO get bit, thank you, Bay!!!! I think she may have swallowed this bee and gotten stung in her throat, as she is still having trouble swallowing water even. Couldn't swallow her own drool for a good while.
I think you are right about the trust, as I've not...
Depends on your management style. I leave chickens alone if they can still walk around and such....if they are still looking off/poorly in a few days or so, I cull.
Without any additional symptoms, it's difficult to tell what it could be...any diarrhea, wounds, edema/ascites to the crop or...
Amen! You have been blessed to have a vet to mentor you, that's for sure. Just recently I found what meds and equipment are out there for the general public to buy and I was shocked....and pleased! We will be slowly but surely putting together a vet kit, both for the dogs and for the...