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  1. Beekissed

    Pyr Problems

    Bay knows! I got nothin', as I have two young dogs that are putting teeth on sheep on occasion, so I'm dealing with trying to train for that. Mine are too far away to give the correction when it's needed, right during the event, so I'm struggling with training them on such things like I would...
  2. Beekissed

    Feelin' a bit sheepish...

    I know!!!! I keep thanking God every time I work in that field and I grow excited about the possibilities. We have NO grass except in a few portions of the yard and orchard, so getting this 10 acre field with varied green stuff in it and encircled by good brush for sheep is like winning the...
  3. Beekissed

    Feelin' a bit sheepish...

    Better pics of the black lamb....I sooooo love a black sheep! Pinky Pie with her shock collar that is as worthless as a flea collar....I've had nothing but trouble with this Sport Dog ecollar, they sent me a new transmitter that was supposed to solve the issue but never did. Fully...
  4. Beekissed

    Zip Tie care...

    They make metal zip ties and a little applicator gun for them, which may be helpful to you...
  5. Beekissed

    Greetings from Montana!

    Welcome from WV! I've always wanted to go to Montana and if I had to live anywhere but here, that would be the state I would choose. Nice to have another sheep person here! I hope your lamb does well and you get more!
  6. Beekissed

    Feelin' a bit sheepish...

    We are almost finished fencing in that big field next door and I'm getting more excited by the day. We should, barring interruptions, get the fencing done tomorrow and possibly get the Sport Dog wire ran around the land tomorrow or the next day...more likely the next day. Here's some pics of...
  7. Beekissed

    Feelin' a bit sheepish...

    I know youins sheep people are likely used to lambs and all their cuteness, so I'll likely sound like a new grandma spewing all sorts of biased goo at the general public....but this new lamb is out of this world funny. He's on his second day of life and he's climbing partial round bales and...
  8. Beekissed

    Feelin' a bit sheepish...

    Me too! She's been doing some behavior lately that I'm not liking....but to be fair, she saw Blue doing it first. She's grabbing at the legs of a particular wether and trying to keep it from moving. So much so that she's wounded him in three legs...not severely, but enough to break the skin...
  9. Beekissed

    Feelin' a bit sheepish...

    Not the greatest of pictures, as my camera is old and crappy and she kept moving around due to Pinky Pie dancing around by my leg, wanting my attention. Pinky Pie at 5 mo. with super strong legs. Compared to PP at 8 wks, first full day on the farm.
  10. Beekissed

    Feelin' a bit sheepish...

    I have 8 ewes, 6 of them are ewe lambs, and all are preggers, though Rose wasn't bred until much, much later than the group. That leaves Shine lambing too early, Rose lambing too late and all the rest somewhere in between....yeah, we did a crap job of controlling breeding opportunities this...
  11. Beekissed

    Feelin' a bit sheepish...

    Guess what?? This morning I have a beautiful little black and white ram lamb, healthy as can be, following after Shine. I'm hoping she has another...this one was just born and licked off. She doesn't look big enough to have another but her udder is four times the size it was last year....if...
  12. Beekissed

    Thistleblooms Rambles

    T, that's beautiful!!!! I didn't know you were so handy with woodworking! Now, I would have slapped those feet on it and called it rustic or shabby chic but you brought that to a whole other level of elegance.
  13. Beekissed

    Can you still make money w sheep if you have to buy feed beyond pasture limits?
  14. Beekissed

    Feelin' a bit sheepish...

    Walked Pinky on the same leash as Blue this morning and she did very well. A little screaming and rolling around, getting in front of me, tangling herself around Blue, but pretty soon she got the hang of it. I could tell Blue was thoroughly disgusted with her but I'm proud of him for holding...
  15. Beekissed

    Feelin' a bit sheepish...

    That makes a huge difference to have hot wire AND a physical barrier in place. I wish we could have afforded good ol' fashioned sheep fencing with an offset of hot wire but couldn't. Blue is now on a soft tether and I ordered the Sport Dog fencing this evening. It's a bad mamma jamma with 7...
  16. Beekissed

    Can you still make money w sheep if you have to buy feed beyond pasture limits?

    I's fun in the trying! I've been told over and over things that "can't be done" but have done them and even when you tell folks you've done them, they don't believe it. I say go for it! Most smallholders who are turning a profit are doing it from multiple streams of income on...
  17. Beekissed

    Can you still make money w sheep if you have to buy feed beyond pasture limits?

    I'd hook up with other small producers in your state via FB and see how they are doing it, if at all. If it can be done there, someone is out there doing it already and can give you some good mentoring.
  18. Beekissed

    Feelin' a bit sheepish...

    Who does that??? :thThis world is full of some real weird folks, isn't it? Blue and most any dog I've met, can time the pulses of the high tensile and slip under the fence in the seconds before the next pulse~Ben did it, Murphy did it and Blue can do it. With the way our fencing is and how...
  19. Beekissed

    Feelin' a bit sheepish...

    I haven't investigated yet, but Blue is currently lying outside the gate, sans tire drag. Don't know how a dog gets a chained on tire drag off his body without losing his collar but I suppose I'll find out. Guess it's time for a tether setup. Sigh. We'll be buying a Sport Dog type fence to...