I’m not sure how long it is probably less than a quarter mile. It’s a 1964 farmall 560. It’s a beast the tires are around six feet tall and they’re weighted tires. This is my first winter with the tractor and my first time plowing with it. The back blade and bucket worked good, it takes some...
The tarp held on until I tried to sweep it off, I was reaching too far and one side came down. I left it as a cover for the cage front. It’s still coming down and starting to stick. 3-6 inches around the property. I’m heading out on the tractor now to plow my drive up to the main road. It’s...
That’s great! Maybe I need to move to Vermont! I live about 15 miles out so it’s nice and quiet. Helena’s not a bad town. It’s the capital so there’s lots of political crap which I don’t get involved in. But other than that the people are generally good people. Most of Montana’s population is in...
Mmm coffee is good. Well it’s about 22 degrees this morning. I took my rabbit tarp down last night by accident trying to clean off all the snow. Which actually worked out ok it covered the front of their hutch nicely from the cold weather. Had to install the heat water bottles at about noon...
My wife’s down in texas right now for training. She’s said in the Houston area its in the 90s and humid. I showed her my pictures up here. I don’t know what’s worse the heat and humidity or cold and snow. At least for me I’ll take the Montana winters over a southern humid summer. We have like...
I haven’t got an elk in a long time. But you right it is delicious. Usually someone I know has extra that I get for the freezer. Elk hunting takes a lot more time than I have. We usually get a few antelope and deer though. I like it all really especially antelope that’s my favorite. we drew 3...
Coffee is good and a chilly fall morning. The snow has arrived, getting warm clothes on to go check on everyone water and food. Usually we get a littl bit of time to acclimate to the cold not this year. It was in the 70s last week and the 80s the week before. Now it’s 30. Ugh sacrifices to live...
Yeah they’re so nice to fill up and to clean out. I’ll have to switch to my heated bottles sooner than I wanted to they’re not flip top which is a real bummer since I’ll have to take everything off to refill in the winter weather. I’m hoping the cold is not going to last long enough on this...
Yeah I might do that. I don’t really like aerial lines through the pine trees but that might be my only option if I want power over there. We will see what happens. At least being an electrician the labor is cheap ;)
Barn is on the list haha we have a shed but no power out there. Yet anyways. The path to the shed is mostly boulders so I won’t be trenching power to it anytime soon
Been a bit. Here’s an update. Still no luck on a successful breeding with the rabbits. But like others have said they’re probably just not ready yet. Haven’t gotten any further on the chicken coup project, just been too busy doing other crap. The old house is still on the market lots of showings...
One of the does I thought might have been pregnant when we got her because her behavior changed and her belly seemed a lot bigger than the other doe but it’s been 29 days since I got her and she hasn’t pulled any fur. She built a little bit of a bed in her nest box and likes sleeping in it but...
I’ll see if I can try some of those tricks this week. I have a opened bottom cage for the grow outs to graze once I actually get any grow out so I can try the grass trick pretty easy.