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  1. S

    Bought a scythe!

    I do!!! Same blade, too! I took a few years of learning to hone propoely, getting the right stones, getting the peening right, but now we have figured it out and it’s such a joy! We’re in Sonoma California and just started mowing again a few weeks ago. So fun! Raking and piling it up is the...
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    Do I need to adjust how much I feed my rabbits?

    Diarrhea, can be bloody, can come and go, generally unwell looking rabbit. Doesn’t move much or well, may be sitting hunched, may be off feed. Treatment needs to be prompt but is easy. Corrid gets mixed into the drinking water. With treatment they will look better within a day already.
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    Do I need to adjust how much I feed my rabbits?

    Corrid is to be used just as needed, not regularly like a wormer. If you are paying attention to your rabbits, cocci is easily spotted and treated. They should build immunity after infection to the strains in their environment.
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    Feeding Practices ~ Rabbits

    For pet mini lop rabbit in California: Free choice hay (timothy, orchard, some oat) 1 Tbs Oxbow pellets per day Daily large handfull of herbs and weeds from the garden Tiny bits of occasional treats (apple, pepper, banana)
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    A Few Bunny Questions (Behavior/Fun For Them)

    Congrats on your new bunny! To 1. Yes, they can be scared and not put their ears down. The fact that it runs to hide tells you that it got scared. Bunnies LOVE a hidey house - some kind of box that they can go hide in and feel protected. It needs to have TWO doors though or they won’t use it...
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    Pig down!

    How’s the piggy today?
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    Rabbit not drinking

    How’s the bunny doing today?
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    Rabbit bonding

    It is much better to bond members of opposite sex. If yours are not fixed that is of course not an option. I would not put intact bucks together. Two does might work if they are siblings and you start them out together but that can go sour. Even a mixed pair you need to start out carefully and...
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    Dead rabbit

    That’s definitely possible. So glad you got your remaining bunny a new partner! Yes, rabbits are much happier with a companion...
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    Aggressive case of recurring ear mites!

    Try “revolution “ - it’s a drip on from the vet, you put it at the back of the neck where they can’t reach to groom. It worked wonders on my rescue bunny.
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    Dead rabbit

    The mites might not have been what did her in. Mites seem to take hold in animalsnthat are already weakened in different ways - that’s possibly why the other rabbit was not affected. I am sorry you lost her!
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    Rabbit not drinking

    Nope, the hairball thing is not what happens in rabbits. Treat for stasis as recommended above. If you can, get some “Critical Care” to syringe feed, The apple flavored one tasts good to bunnies and he might eat it willingly. Please keep us updated!
  13. S

    Rabbit not drinking

    The critical care website says 100 ml of mixed product per day for a 2kg rabbit. Feed every 3-4 hrs, if possible (I would feed once in the middle of the night). You have to play it by ear a bit. See how much he’ll take - syringe feeding is not forcing it down his throat, you are just squirting...
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    Rabbit not drinking

    Go slow. I am very glad to hear he has been eating and drinking and perked up. If a bunny stops eating it is an emergency and you need to do whatever you can to entice it to eat. Fresh greens are great because they contain a lot of water. Herbs are good (parsley, cilantro, fennel camomile...
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    There are feed storage boxes (often marketed to horse owners) that lock. I would get one of those - not even goats can open a combination lock!
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    Car Chasing

    Oh, need to add: the pup needs to learn self control in order to succeed - if he CAN’T control himself because he hasn’t learned this is hopeless. So you have to train him apart from the anti-chase training of course. From basic sit before putting down the food bowl and waiting for an OK before...
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    Car Chasing

    Long line for training. Put him on it and hold the other end. When he sets off to chase: IMPRESSIVE dressing down and immediate time out inside (bathroom, spare room) door closed no interaction. Try and see how long you have to keep him in time out to make an impression. Then welcome him back to...
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    We did it...

    Chicken licking is fine- though the hen might think otherwise - it’s a bonding thing. I taught my (collie dog) first to be calm around the chickens and not bother them before I allowed him to approach and try to clean :) If the chicken comes up to her, it’s asking for it ;o) As long as the dog...
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    Lactose intolerant bottle baby

    As someone who has no experience with goats whatsoever, beside helping a goat “mowing” business owner with a couple if rejected kids... Couldn’t you just buy fresh goats milk from the store? We got it at Trader Joe’s. Not perfect like clean raw milk, but better than processed powder or cow’s...
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    We did it...

    Congrats on the puppy! I think you are doing a swell job so far! To 1. I would put her in a crate at night, but train her to it with feeding her there etc... first. To 2 and 3: The key is management. Don’t give her a chance to fail. While she is still getting to know her new home and learning...