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  1. Willi

    Nubian Goat color questions

    I’ve got this Nubian buckling Toulouse we’re working on his papers and I’m not confident in goat colors/patterns so I thought I’d ask here what everyone thinks his color is Parents info for clarity/curiosity His dam is a solid white 3/4 Nubian 1/4 saanen and his sire is a mostly black tri color...
  2. Willi

    Malnourished doeling

    She’s doing really well she’s putting on weight now and is getting a lot more energy she’s the snuggliest none bottle baby I’ve had lol her infection is receding also and should be fully gone within a couple days now
  3. Willi

    Close to labor Possible twins

    It’s Nearly even now. we’re trying to make him nurse off it but he’s not as interested we may end up milking that side to make sure she gets even
  4. Willi

    Close to labor Possible twins

    Just about 2 hours ago a 10lb buckling explains the hugeness lol
  5. Willi

    Close to labor Possible twins

    Thank you for the info!. This is her first pregnancy so we didn’t notice the lopsided ness till recently I’ll definitely take your advice for milking she just kidded out about 2 hours ago a 10lb buckling lol his head was huuuuge and he was stuck for nearly a hour poor mamma is very dainty we...
  6. Willi

    Close to labor Possible twins

    Sorry again it completely slipped my mind when I was finishing yard work she hasn’t eaten much in this photo she’s got a odd udder one side is smaller and the teat is placed higher on the side
  7. Willi

    Close to labor Possible twins

    Yes sorry I meant to update with pictures when I got her to stand and then it slipped my mind very sorry. This is her first so I’m not sure how she carries yet she’s 3/4 Nubian 1/4 saanen all white with cream everyone gets a shock when they see a pure white Nubian lol
  8. Willi

    Close to labor Possible twins

    One of my does is 4 days away from her due date. Her ligaments are completely gone and she’s acting like she might be in early labor ive been feeling some light kicks on her right side but as of recently I’ve also felt them on her left, my other two momma’s had singles and I never felt them on...
  9. Willi

    Malnourished doeling

    This is the ingredients tag off our goat grower And the guaranteed analysis It’s been working great for our herd I would just like to make sure she gets everything she could to help get her back to 100%
  10. Willi

    Malnourished doeling

    I picked up a doe April 1st(born February 8th)the lady we got her from took her off her mom because she had two large bumps on her face and she didn’t want the rest of her herd to get sick the issue is she was taken off at 5 weeks and was on all stock not goat feed so she’s very small has little...