I found out what this bug is!
Contacted the Insect Identification (website) people and sent them a few pictures...they said it's a Green Lacewing larva.. @Bruce you were right! It disguises itself with things it finds around it...dirt, sand etc. At least now we know ha ha :D
I tried to find some on craigslist within 35 miles of Eustace :)
This guy is advertising free goats...but be careful because someone was doing that on Nashville craigslist and it was a scam ad. This one looks like it could be sincere though...
I'll put some coffee on :)
Have some rabbit sales today, 3 angoras going to new homes!
@Bruce it looks WAY too cold over there! 88 degrees here today...maybe this heat wave is finally over!
@frustratedearthmother stay safe! The pictures and videos of that storm on the news are crazy!
Crazy day at work today...more emergencies than i've ever seen :th
Got home and sold 3 more kits! Yay :woot 2 Netherlands and a lop!
A sweet neighbor who lives up the road came over to bush hog the back pasture and weed-whack the overgrown garden....didn't even have to ask! He wouldn't take...
I have one doe (Skyler) who always gets clumpy/sticky poo that looks almost like dog poo when she's pregnant and nursing. Not sure what it is!
You could try giving Mrs Wilson some probiotics/electrolytes...I use Rooster Booster that I get at TSC.
Use 3/4 teaspoon per gallon of water. It seems to...
Coffee is on! Extra strong espresso today :D =D
I have a few rabbit sales today...2 angoras and 2 netherland dwarfs.
Looks like the rabbits have been going to new homes in pairs recently!
Hoping for rain....it's not in the forecast but we'll see. Maybe i'll just have to do a rain dance and...
Sounds good to me! Everything is dry and dusty over here...
I'll have to look at the forecast for the next few days...see if that storm will make it up here :)