Honest truth! When I first got my first ram I thought he was a pet. Pshhhh yeah right! My “pet” ended up ramming me into the side of the fence one night. I was lucky to have my brother there to help me out. I was so angry I was ready to castrate that animal right there and then 😂. It’s been a...
You know I didn’t even think of doing that. My dad and I tried our best to band the two testicles together but it was our first time banding a lamb. I did find it weird that he was okay in the morning but in the afternoon couldn’t even get up. The next morning he was dead. Meanwhile the other...
It’s okay, it happens. I was a little disappointed at first but at least we tried. In the end it’s the circle of life. Not much can be done. Thank you for everyone’s help 😊.
He died :( it’s okay though. At least we tried. Seems like he was too delicate for us to castrate him but we still did it. It was out fault in the end.
Gotcha. I tried giving him some milk but again he split out most of it. He’s curled up in a little ball and is very tense. I try to move him and he just stays there with his head in droopy on his legs. I gave him some more local anesthesia in each testicle to help with any pain he may have. I’ll...
I have a castrated lamb. He’s about to be a month old. I just put the bands on him last night. This morning he was doing very well. He was eating from his mom, standing around, playing and everything was well. Now he can’t stand up, starts kicking very suddenly. I gave him some nutridrench but...
Sorry I took so long to write an update, but here I am today! Good news, after training and some yelling every now and then my LGD doesn’t chase my lambs anymore. Yay. Still not completely trusting her yet as she is a puppy and every now and then will try to put up a good chase. She’s doing well...
When there is a predator nearby both of them will go crazy barking. Even my dads old hound dog will join in. I don't mind that bc they are trying to keep the predators away. But this barking is repeated, she stops for five minutes, continues, stops again, continues, and it keeps going. Even when...
She’s doing better now. I’ve been watching her when she thinks I’m not nearby. Sometimes she will try to start chewing on them but when that happens I take the advice you gave me and grab a rolled up newspaper, make noise, and scare her, while I yell NO. I’ve noticed that when the lambs are...
I will keep you updated. I started off last night by tying her up around the lambs last night. Leaving just enough space for her to reach the water bowl. I don’t trust her yet to leave her loose around lambs. I’ll try the citronella. I’ve been reading different articles lately but I will read as...
My LGD won’t stop trying to chew on my lambs. She’s 6 months old and has been with them since she was an 8-week-old puppy. This morning I’m giving the animals water and I look over and the LGD is standing over a lamb, she grabs the lamb by the extra skin and she’s about to lift him when I yell...