I second you. Maybe then, @Jesusfreak101 will miss her present lifestyle. This is her natural habitat. I for one can't even cook anything more than an omelet and that too I learnt when I came to Delhi. I prefer drinking a litre of buffalo milk than cooking.
Look at yourself, you are alone doing the work of three people all by yourself. You are doing household work, farm work and schoolwork. From what I could gather you are not just doing all this work as a formality, but you do seem to do it with utmost dedication.
Thank you, that post covered only River Buffaloes. I still have to write about the Swamp Buffaloes. I am not feeling well, I think I got infected from Covid19 Virus. I am coughing, my body is aching and my nose is choked. If I get well by afternoon I will write, if not I will cheat and copy...
Thank you.
Horns are very important part in the evaluation of the native breeds. A broken horn or wrong horns may cut the price in half. If we disbud the horns of an animal it will not be registered in the breed directory. A good deal of attention is placed on horns by breeders. Only foreign...
Now now friends let's not hijack, this beautiful journal. On your on your advice I have started a new thread. Let's not derail the conversation going on here.
Can you please proof read this for me? English is not my first language. I also faced a lot of problems while typing and I was unable to load photographs.
Evolution of Water Buffaloes
Water buffaloes (bubalus bubalis) are true buffaloes that were domesticated twice from now endangered Asian wild buffaloes (bubalus arnee). They are the largest members of the tribe bovini which contains animals like cattle, Cape Buffaloes, Gaur, Bison, antelopes...
Buffaloes are one of the most significant livestock species in the world. More people rely on them for their livelihood than any other form of livestock. To my surprise information on buffaloes on BYH was nonexistent on this platform. So on the good counsel of @Baymule and @Bruce I decided to...
I thought about it too, but I live in New Delhi, because I have to work to support my family back in the village. My body lives in Delhi, but my soul lives in my village. That's why I am here.
LoL I am fine. There's a famous quote by Carl Rogers "what is most personal is also the most universal". We can all understand your struggles, your joy and frustration. We also have the same work, but in our case there are more than one woman in the household so the job is shared. Sons are not...
Finally I rushed through all 123 pages.
What a neat journal!!!
What a marvelous person!!!
What a wonderful family!!!
Salutes and regards:frow
On the farm front there are few things I can make suggestions on.
1) extra milk problem — easy to solve, you can make yoghurt from that milk and...
Such a wonderful thread. I wish more people shared their opinions and experience. There's a lot of potential for learning if we are more active on this forum.
Ummm, what misconception? The question was, why were the horns removed, not who decided to do it. My answer was that it's considered a safety issue, for the people handling the goat, for the goat itself, and for other goats. And it is - 4H doesn't just think they are "prettier" that way, they...