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  1. drstratton

    Drstratton - My Backyard Journey Journal

    I decided to give the chicks something else to occupy their time with! I added a bowl with sand, some finely clipped fresh grass and a little chick starter! I think they like it! <iframe width="1663" height="717" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media...
  2. drstratton

    Projects Are Like Rabbits, They Keep Multiplying- Share yours here!

    Today's entry! What we've been working on! Improving the Chicken coop! We have always had Banty's, along comes Covid and we realize that we should be prepared for whatever else comes our way! We were preparing for retirement which was supposed to happen in June! So, I ordered 16 standard size...
  3. drstratton

    Drstratton - My Backyard Journey Journal

    Well everyone seems to be doing fine now! No new injuries and the old injuries are healing! They are going crazy over their morning mash! Bad lighting and chicks in motion made for a bit of a blurry picture this morning, sorry! Can't wait to get them into a larger space!
  4. drstratton

    Drstratton - My Backyard Journey Journal

    We got a little more done on the nesting box this evening! Getting close to 9pm so time to step away from it, 5am comes awful early! The box will be trimmed out in white with red to match the rest of the coop! We were able to reuse some of what we removed from the coop for the end panels! We...
  5. drstratton

    Projects Are Like Rabbits, They Keep Multiplying- Share yours here!

    Thank you for the welcome! Sounds like your week was a lot like mine! The paint job was what I did today, as to the condition in a few weeks, I noted that in my Journal... 😂 ! I will add more of what we've been working on! I just wanted to get this! And like I said projects are...
  6. drstratton

    Projects Are Like Rabbits, They Keep Multiplying- Share yours here!

    Hi everyone! I'm Rene' and I'm new to this forum! I thought this would be a fun way to meet others here! We've been doing a ton of projects and I know that they will never end! Here is the project I did today! What's going on at your homestead? Painted the inside of the Coop! Before Picture!
  7. drstratton

    Drstratton - My Backyard Journey Journal

    I know right! It certainly feels good to have it done! Well, the inside anyway! Next will be the new nesting box my husband is adding! I've decided that projects multiply like rabbits, no matter how many you take care of there are always more on the!
  8. drstratton

    Drstratton - My Backyard Journey Journal

    I finished painting the inside of the chicken coop today! I have a few before and after pics! It's amazing what a little paint will do! Give this a few weeks and it will look like the above picture...but for now...almost pristine!!! 😂
  9. drstratton

    Drstratton - My Backyard Journey Journal

    I went ahead and placed the chicks back into the brooder! There was a bit of picking, but nothing like yesterday! I do believe the red light is making a big difference. One thing to note that I forgot to share is that the picked on chicks are 2 Buff Orpingtons and my Salmon Faverolle. They are...
  10. drstratton

    Drstratton - My Backyard Journey Journal

    There's no way we can get the coop closed up tonight! Hopefully they can behave themselves until it's ready! I'm going to go out first thing tomorrow and give it a thorough cleaning! I wanted to paint the inside, but I don't know if it will dry out quickly enough after washing it, maybe if I...
  11. drstratton

    Drstratton - My Backyard Journey Journal

    Thank you for the encouragement! Kind of like life in general...some day's can just feel a little off! I love life and I will enjoy this adventure! Thank you again! 💞
  12. drstratton

    Drstratton - My Backyard Journey Journal

    Well I really did not intend for my first day on this board to be so melancholy, that is not how I usually roll! So please forgive me! I am ready to move forward and put this day behind me! 🙃 Thank you again for the warm welcome I have received!
  13. drstratton

    Drstratton - My Backyard Journey Journal

    Today has been quite a day! My chicks have decided that those new feathers everyone is sporting, need to be picked at, so lets just keep picking until it bleeds, ooh red, let's really go after it now! Two chicks have been moved to a tote and coated with a homemade version of BluKote. A third...
  14. drstratton

    Drstratton - My Backyard Journey Journal

    Country life! My husband just repaired a drain valve for the drip line that we have for the tree's along our driveway. He asked me to go out and turn it on along with the tree line water next to our Chicken & Rabbit area! So, I did as he asked and as I'm turning on the drip, I get a loud pop, a...
  15. drstratton

    Drstratton - My Backyard Journey Journal

    :hugsI know they will...I just needed an attitude adjustment! I've been handling the changes really well, until this morning...this to shall pass! Thank you so much! 💞💞💞
  16. drstratton

    Drstratton - My Backyard Journey Journal

    We were thinking about much for that! I do love the idea of being more self sufficient! I don't know exactly what the near future has in store for us and it might be brighter sooner than we think, but it would be derelict to not be prepared for the need to ride it out...
  17. drstratton

    Drstratton - My Backyard Journey Journal

    Thank you for the welcome and following my journey! 💞
  18. drstratton

    Drstratton - My Backyard Journey Journal

    Thank you! This has been a bit of a hard change for us, we were ready to relax and enjoy retirement, but we have the capability to do this and need to be prepared for whatever the future brings! Now that I've set my mind in this direction, the journey will be fun!
  19. drstratton

    Hello from WA!

    Good morning! Thank you!!! 💞
  20. drstratton

    Drstratton - My Backyard Journey Journal

    Good morning! My name's Rene' - my husband Dale and I have been married for 35 years, we have 3 adult children! Our family consists of our oldest son, our daughter & her husband, our youngest son, his wife and their brand new baby boy, our first grandchild, born on 3.26.2020! I'm here to learn...