I live midway between Austin and College Station. Stil Central Texas, but not Hill Country. Far enough from coast that humidity is better and hurricanes don’t cause as much trouble (and still south of tornadoes in Dallas!). Beautiful area with great ground water. Convenient to Austin and...
i am new to pigs. I got this little guy a couple weeks ago. Happy, eating and pooping well. The scrotum seems enlarged to me. This is as big as it gets, but each side varies in size, smaller at times, looking like this other times. It is compressible, no tension. Is this a scrotal hernia? Will...
Thanks! Yes, by the calculated dates she could be due as late as May 30 based on when we got her. No udder yet. Looks comparable to her sister’s teats. I really hope it’s just hay belly since she’s so young!
This doe (in the middle of the pic with the white stripe on her left side) is 6 months old. We got her at 10 weeks, and we have no buck on property (but I saw her dad in the same field as she was when I picked her up). Does she look pregnant? Her belly lately looks so much bigger than her...
i have an 18 month anatolian/GP cross neutered male. I recently got 2 mastiff/GP mix male puppies, 8 weeks. The older dog seems to really like them, but sometimes tries to pick them up in his mouth and carry them. The puppy doesn’t cry, but I make him drop it. Is this a concerning behavior...
Hello! Brand new to rabbits. I just got three rabbits from someone who raised them for 4H. I’m told they are about 6 months old. One of the does’ legs seem to not work right. When she lies down, they are kind of behind her. She doesn’t hop. She seems to pull her legs along? I’ve only had her a...