Just finished with our big hullabaloo of the day. I was feeding and watering my rabbits when I noticed I ran out of water. I left the garage with Suka and the 4 newly weened kits' cages open. When I came back in, I noticed Suka wasn't in his cage. :he
I spent the next hour trying to find him...
I am so ready for the weekend. Only one more day to go! I just palpated J~Woww and Huffie and I felt something in Miss. Woww, but im not sure about Huffie. Then again, I never am. Cant wait for two new litters!
I am going to ween the litter of kits at 6 weeks, so that is next weekend. They are...
I have three AMAZING bucks. The first has 3 BOBs and an honorable mention on the BIS table, the second has two BOBs and a RIS, and the third is still a baby but is looking very promising. Which one should I keep? Or should I keep all of them. I have 5 does. I have two pairs that are full siblings.
Oh, I had a Sumatra do that to me once while I was in a friend's run. It is not very fun and I can see why he might need to go to the freezer if he gets any more aggressive.
I am currently working on breed pages for Holland lops, mini rexes, Netherland dwarfs, lionheads, fuzzy lops, and mini lops and I need your help!
I need pictures for thees breeds in babies, juniors, and seniors in any (recognized) variety. The rabbits in these pictures must be purebred and your...