Bee behavior is cyclical. Honey bees can become more defensive for a variety of reasons. Some examples are queenless hives, nectar dearths, robbing, nightly visits by skunks, rainy weather, or overcast. When new beekeepers mow or weed whack near hives and get stung they blame the bees when in...
I dont know what state your in but most states have a beekeepers association you can join and contact about a club nearest you. If you can get a mentor, do it. It will save you a lot of dead bees and money. Now is the time when new beekeepers buy equipment paint it and learn about setting it...
My wife just bought a horse from New Vocations. She couldn't be happier, little hearts are flying all over the place when they're together. He's an excellent riding horse with an excellent pedigree to match and 100 % sound. Good luck, I hope you find a great horse.
Contact a local bee club and tell them your situation, you need a beekeeper to help you out. The combs need to be cut from the squirrel box and rubber banded into frames.
From the research you posted:
"After oral application, bee mortality occurred at relatively low concentrations"
You will be only using OA drench/dribble on the packaged bees. They are short lived any way and the OA will not effect the new emerging bees. It will only help them because they...
Beautiful hive, nice job! Like the "wild hives" in your post it tells you how adaptable bees truly are. They don't care about the cavity because no 2 are a like in the wild. As long as they have resources and are disease free they can thrive. When it comes to being able to inspect the hive...
I have some supers and hive bodies that I never got around to painting and they are holding up just as well as the painted ones. It seems that its kind of hit or miss when it comes to lumber that was used. Some of my hive bodies rotted out in about 8 to 10 years at the finger joints and most...
Since you will be cold weather beekeepers I can answer your questions better:
1 - what types of hives do you have actual experience with, and why did you choose them? I have both 8 and 10 frame Langstroth, 5 over 5 nucleus colonies, and a homemade...
Oxalic acid is cheap and popular with beekeepers as a miticide. Its for sale and available all over the internet. Florida Labs is a trusted brand. I'm not Mr. safety bug but in the article you posted it says its safe to inhale OA. I would avoid inhaling OA and like any common chemicals we...
There are 3 types of QEs, plastic ($4), metal ($8), wood bound metal ($18). I'm a little haphazard with equipment and found that the plastic ones work best for me. They work just fine and last quite a few years if you store them out of the weather. I have a few metal ones and they work just...