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  1. goats&moregoats

    First time kidding

    Beautiful buckling and doeling. I love love love baby goats!:love. Come on Poppy!
  2. goats&moregoats

    Goats&moregoats: KickinUpDust Farm Journal

    Yesterday I over didn't a bit. Up at 5:45 am, house work done by noon, after morning chores, including mopping all the darn floors:sick. After lunch I finally got the old wire fencing gathered that should have been done last fall. Pulled some of the post. The other's I have to wait for a helper...
  3. goats&moregoats

    Wehner Homestead

    I agree with @CntryBoy777 ......they are like Lays Potato chips but worse!:D =D. As far as the cute ears and maybe/maybe not getting another breed of goats....I know what you mean. I am having serious Nigerian dwarf withdrawals.
  4. goats&moregoats

    CntryBoy777 - The Lazy A** Acres Adventures

    When I get overwhelmed with thinking I spend time with the goats...well I did in the past and I am sure I will with these goats as well. Still praying on this end as I am sure many on here are. :)
  5. goats&moregoats

    Goats&moregoats: KickinUpDust Farm Journal

    Wow, the rain stopped about half way through the day. The goats finally were out and all over the pasture today. The babies even wandered to the far end of their pen late this evening. Sun even came out about 4 pm. The two does were hilarious this afternoon. Running and jumping like they were...
  6. goats&moregoats

    Goats&moregoats: KickinUpDust Farm Journal

    Yes @Bruce , it was and my knee didn't bother me at all during or after. Now with all this rain my right knee is acting up. They are hoping that one will wait 4-5 years. We will see. When it does happen the goats are staying if I have to crawl my way out there to take care of them! Now this is...
  7. goats&moregoats

    2018, Waiting on Lambs! ♡

    Thanks for explaining why that is done.
  8. goats&moregoats

    2018, Waiting on Lambs! ♡

    Will be watching for the rest of your lambs to arrive. I am not a sheep person so can you share as to why the tails are docked? I have know since I was young that they are done, just have never known why.
  9. goats&moregoats

    Sharing housing & Pasture?

    Thank you all for sharing your experiences. Much appreciated. Looking at two Dwarf Nigerian does.
  10. goats&moregoats

    Wehner Homestead

    @Southern by choice , thank you so much for answering that. So far Ginger and Sage seem quite gentle and very interested in the babies that are penned right in the middle of their pasture.
  11. goats&moregoats

    Wehner Homestead

    @Southern by choice , thank you so much for answering that. So far Ginger and Sage seem quite gentle and very interested in the babies that are penned right in the middle of their pasture.
  12. goats&moregoats

    Sharing housing & Pasture?

    Does anyone here house and pasture large breed goats with Nigerians? If so can you tell me how it is working out? I want to get some Nigerians, but don't want to have to build another shelter. The pasture I can divide if necessary. I have had one person tell me not to do it.
  13. goats&moregoats

    Wehner Homestead

    Beautiful goats! I really wanted Nigerians again, but these goats have definitely got themselves into my heart. I want to get some opinions about mixing Nigerians with bigger breeds. As in the pasture not breeding.
  14. goats&moregoats

    Goats&moregoats: KickinUpDust Farm Journal

    Another rainy day and everything is wet wet wet! Got morning chores done while it was only sprinkling. Just as i got back in the house it let loose again. No outside work this morning. Most likely not this afternoon either, looks like the rain is here for the day. House cleaning and I will...
  15. goats&moregoats

    CntryBoy777 - The Lazy A** Acres Adventures

    Here's hoping you get to stay!
  16. goats&moregoats

    Goats&moregoats: KickinUpDust Farm Journal

    What a successful busy day. Boy am I tired:th. Ginger and Sage do not do leashes at all! Had to take them by the horns to the milk stand. Once there it was not anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be. She went up the steps with little hesitation. However she did lay down as soon as I...
  17. goats&moregoats

    Goats&moregoats: KickinUpDust Farm Journal

    Babies fed for the night.Forgot to get a picture of Rio's noggin. He is really becoming aggressive at feedings. The little pushy turd bit my finger tonight. I am glad he is the one I had banded. I am hoping that once they are moved to a bigger area he can run of some of that energy. Bottles...
  18. goats&moregoats

    Born last night and has diarrhea

    :thumbsup...You will find some very knowledgeable people on here. I am still what one would consider a newbie, only about 5 yrs with goats under my belt. That is not much compared to a lot of other folks with 15, 20 or 30 yrs. Most folks are glad to help with some advice. We all love...
  19. goats&moregoats

    newton's the goats journal

    Just got caught up on your Journal. Wild ride. Sorry about the piglets, beautiful lambs. Farm life certainly keeps a person busy. Add a job and it's way more than full time busy. Your doing great, keep up the good work.