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  1. flemish lops

    5 letters game

    racing in Vern's expensive toboggan R A C E S
  2. flemish lops

    word association

    Valentines day
  3. flemish lops


    :frow :welcome
  4. flemish lops

    My New Puppies.

    They are sooo cute :love . Our dog goes by the bunnies all the time and eat there :sick .
  5. flemish lops

    My rabbit had kits! :)

    Congrats! :clap
  6. flemish lops

    Easter Babies

    I'm not much of a color person here :idunno . But congrats :weee
  7. flemish lops


    Hope you all have a very Happy Easter tooo!!
  8. flemish lops


    :frow :welcome
  9. flemish lops


    :frow :welcome
  10. flemish lops

    Hello from NE Arkansas

    :frow :welcome
  11. flemish lops

    Hi from TX!

    :frow :welcome
  12. flemish lops

    Just got 6 young rabbits =)

    :love They sound adorable!
  13. flemish lops

    Is it to cold for a single kit to stay warm in 20 to30 degree nights?

    Thanks all for the replies! I put the little J Wooly kit in with my netherland dwarf's litter and all is going great. Though the next day when I went out to feed them my jersey wooly had pulled out all of her fur :th . She has fur left only on her head and a strip along her back. (Note to self...