The state vet I've talked to suggested vaccinating (for CDT) mothers at 4 weeks pre-birth, then the babies at 2 months and 3 months old. For unvaccinated mothers he suggests vaccinating at 2-3 weeks old then boostering 4 weeks later and once more 4 weeks after that.
OSU extension and the Ohio...
I love George's little smirk! :love
Newborn wool sheep always look like they're wearing terrycloth pajamas to me and it's just about the cutest thing ever.
I fit a 3 year old Jacob ram in the back portion of a SUV once. Just put a tarp and some hay down. He complained the whole time and people looked at me like I was crazy at stop lights but it was fine. 2-4 month old lambs should fit in a larger sized dog crate so as long as the car can fit that...
What a cool little guy! I love the variation in Jacob sheep. As his horns grow they'll probably twirl around each other if they end up like some other sheep I've seen with similar horns. I'm sure he'll settle in and make himself at home in no time.
I think the best way of preventing nasty rams is to make sure they have a group of other boys to hang out with. Especially the young ones seem to really get a lot out of living with an older ram. My senior ram puts any young boys in their place and has even stepped in when one has tried to get...
I spent ages this past fall deciding my tag system now that I have several breeds of sheep and my flock is growing in numbers. I sat down and decided what information I really needed my tags to tell me and went from there. I wanted my tags to tell me the sex of the lamb, the breed (white...
3-4 lbs of raw fleece in the grease sounds about right once you've skirted out all of the short cuts and poopy bits. That's about what I get off of my Jacobs, with 5-6 lbs being sort of the upper limit. It will look like a lot more in the bag, Finns have a long staple length and a lot of loft...
I had an angora buck and although I don't have any others to compare him to he still stunk. You knew there was a buck around just stepping in to the buck area of the barn or anywhere near the pasture where he and the rams hung out. I finally got around to skirting his winter fleece and my whole...
Good job! Don't worry about cutting her, it happens to everyone.
Just for future reference it looks like your tension on the blades wasn't quite right. There's still quite a bit of fleece on her which happens to me when the tension is too loose and pulls the wool more than cutting it cleanly...
Not necessarily. There are a number of polycerate breeds. Icelandics, Hebridean sheep, Manx Loaghtan, Navajo-Churro, some lines of Finnish landrace sheep, and a number of trophy breed hairsheep all can have multiple horns. Its a dominant gene so mixes of those breeds commonly have multiple horns...
Usually either my mom or I just drive to mills that are close enough to get to in a day but dropping them off at a fiber fest we're going to anyway is easier. I dropped off a big load at Great Lakes Fiber Show last year because there were a lot of good mills picking up there. The mill either...
I've got a roll of Jacob rug yarn that is lovely but I haven't gotten around to doing anything with it yet. It was from a fleece I didn't wash quite right and was worried that it wouldn't make very nice regular yarn so I went ahead and did rug yarn. It's so squishy and fairly soft. Some day I...
Just be aware that young Jacobs can be jumping beans and might try to leap out of the stand! Its mostly just the really wild ones that do that though and they give up once they realize they're stuck. I like the stand though. It makes it so much easier for me keep the different sections separate...
You should give it a try! I'm only 5'2" and I was able to handle all the sheep in the shearing school I took part in. Sometimes the big ones are easier to get down than the little scrappy ones!
I've found that I'm too short and my sheep have too many horns to use the NZ method effectively so I...
Those are pretty small, even for Jacobs who mature slowly and stay little. My lambs last year were about 50 lbs at 4 months but they definitely look baby-ish for a good year or so. There's still a chance your ewe lamb will sprout up a bit in the spring. Jacobs tend not to do well on a lot of...