Search results

  1. Roving Jacobs

    Spotty Lambs of 2018

    I'll definitely have a CVM ram lamb and some adult cormo and CVM rams for sale this year. I'm getting out of the cvm/romeldales for the most part this year to focus more on the cormos. All my cormos had girls this year which was yay for me but not so much for people hoping for rams. Edit: The...
  2. Roving Jacobs

    Ohiogoatgirl's Escapades & Adventures- Pulse check! pg14

    I used CIDRs this year and getting lambing done in 10 days instead of over a month on average was great. Only had two that didn't settle out of 20 and one I figured one wasn't going to since it was her third try. I was exhausted after those 10 days but they were all born while I was on spring...
  3. Roving Jacobs

    Spotty Lambs of 2018

    In ten days I had 32 babies born but I'm finally done! 19 jacob lambs, 2 cormo lambs, a cormo/romeldale cross lamb, 3 romeldales, 7 angora goats. Once I return to the land of the living I'll take more pictures but here are some quick shots I took while doing tail docking today so I have a...
  4. Roving Jacobs

    Spotty Lambs of 2018

    I'm not even sure I remember what color that coat is supposed to be any more :lol: Green? Brown? Who knows. A single ewe, a pair of ram lambs, and buck/doe angora goat twins overnight. Now I just need to caffeinate enough to teach my class this afternoon!
  5. Roving Jacobs

    Spotty Lambs of 2018

    Another day, another set of triplets. Glad I was there for this birth as the first one up came tail first. Luckily jacobs have narrow enough shoulders that it wasn't a huge issue and I could just help pull him. Ended up with 2 rams and a ewe. These are the first lambs sired by my new ram so I...
  6. Roving Jacobs

    Spotty Lambs of 2018

    As of right now I'm up to 4 sets of twins and a set of triplets from the jacobs (Jewel is a queen among sheep) and a single from the cormos (of course). Still waiting on 8 sheep and 4 goats. I only meant to breed 2 goats but they had other ideas. They're all synchronized though so everyone...
  7. Roving Jacobs

    2018, Waiting on Lambs! ♡

    In jacobs the "hairy" look is called angel fleece or halo fleece, it happens more often on black wool and towards the back of the lamb. It generally sheds out and the adult fleece is of the more primitive type underneath, open and medium/fine in a jacob's case. Not sure if it translates to...
  8. Roving Jacobs

    Begging awassi sheep to breed

    Apparently getting them to actually breed :p Good luck Mystang, hopefully they surprise you with some babies soon!
  9. Roving Jacobs

    Begging awassi sheep to breed

    In my experience some rams of some breeds just take longer to mature. They're the sensitive type! My cormos are awful about this but they all figure it out eventually. He may not have been mature enough to breed them in the fall before they stopped cycling for the winter if they are a seasonal...
  10. Roving Jacobs

    Ohiogoatgirl's 2018 Lambing thread

    I've used a drop of food coloring on the head in a pinch. You can use the same color for the dam as the lambs. It rubs off on things a little if you use too much but I didn't have a problem with it staining the fleece and it lasted for a month or so.
  11. Roving Jacobs

    Talk to me about Jacob sheep!

    They're easy, low stress, useful sheep. I can count on them having twins or triplets every year with no help from me. A lot of people say the only thing you need for lambing with jacobs is a pair of binoculars. They're thrifty so they do fine on just grass and are great at brush clearing. I...
  12. Roving Jacobs

    Talk to me about Jacob sheep!

    I love mine! They're definitely a niche breed and not for every farmer but if I could only choose one breed it would be the jacobs.
  13. Roving Jacobs

    Talk to me about Jacob sheep!

    I wouldn't pit any sheep against a coyote, especially a tiny one like a jacob, but they are definitely wiley, rugged, and sensible sheep. The rams especially can be very protective of their ewes as well. I've never seen one go after a predator but they are certainly happy to push the dogs around...
  14. Roving Jacobs

    First time sheering

    It's mostly just practice, practice, practice. Everyone's first sheep are a mess. Watching videos is ok, if you can find a shearer to shadow or a shearing class to go to having a pro work you through the motions can be really valuable. Make sure you're holding the skin taut, the wrinkles are...
  15. Roving Jacobs

    Scrapie tags

    When I registered years ago we just had to call and tell them our address, what animals we had and how many we had so they could give us an appropriate number of tags. I use Premier 1 for personalized tags, get my premise id and scrapie number on one side and leave the other side blank to write...
  16. Roving Jacobs

    Unidentified bugs making sheep itch?

    Congrats, it sounds like you've got lice! They're super common in a lot of species in the winter, although don't worry they don't infect people. DE never did a darn thing for my animals. Ivermectin can help and has been tested safe on pregnant animals, there are also safe permethrin based pour...
  17. Roving Jacobs

    Goat Polio

    I've seen a couple of cases of polio in sheep caused by too much sulfur. A particular farm I know had lots of sulfur in their water and fed a high sulfur mineral and kept having sheep down with polio until they changed minerals.
  18. Roving Jacobs

    Raising rams

    Halter break him and don't let him do any overly friendly behaviors towards you, ie rubbing his head on you. If he pushes the boundaries flip him on his butt while he's still small enough to manhandle. My adult rams don't get grain or treats so they really don't get particularly excited when I'm...
  19. Roving Jacobs

    7 yr wether suddenly having ram behavior

    I wouldn't tolerate that behavior in a ram, much less a wether. If this is a random sudden change I'd guess there's something wrong with him and put him down. It's sad since he was your pet but your life is more important.
  20. Roving Jacobs

    So many sheep breeds to choose from!

    How small do you consider small? A number of my cormos are about the same size as my angoras and are as fine as you could want. You can certainly create your own mix but I would caution against keeping a ewe with only goats for company. In my experience goats can be sort of snobby and the...