She is a really cool goat, and surpasses our expectations every winter. She's actually doing better in the winters here up north than she was in GA, which totally surprised me.
Fat n sassy! She's starting to lay more on her left side (see darker areas of broken hair?) and is obviously less "upright" on the move than she was as a yearling, but until she starts to show some obvious sign of not getting by so she is, baby sitting and guarding her hay pile for...
Congrats on the new buck.
Weary of the "wonder what breed this little thing is", I will say, congrats on your Miniature Goat - because that's what he is, since you don't have any idea to his lineage.
This is why the associations won't let you register % REALLY just can't always...
There's your issue, along with cocci probably. I never even consider weaning a ND before 8 weeks (usually start weaning around 10 wks, and they are on the bottle at least 12-16 weeks if they're smaller). I always feed my large breeds and Mini Nubians at least 12 weeks, around 60+ oz a day.
I betcha that teat placement gets better on a 2nd freshening, because a weak medial TENDS to pick up in the 2nd freshening, and if you picture her medial tighter - the teats would be in the right place...
With LG - she was a litter of triplets out of a SEVERELY malnourished doe. ALL THREE KIDS were born soft-boned, as in there had been no conversion of the leg cartilage to bone pre-birth. The, ahem, "breeder" said they were as floppy as rag dolls.
In that case, it was probably selenium...
I don't necessarily disagree with that - however it should be reserved for more experienced producers who have a good idea of what they're treating.
For me, I want to know when the TREATMENT is working, not when the pink stuff worked, so I never administer the pink stuff anymore. I have had...
Wet weather = cocci bloom, I'd treat everything in the herd under 1 yr. and run fecals on everyone.
And, PLEASE throw away the Pepto. Using Pepto on a goat can kill them (goats never just *have* the scours, there's always a reason - and plugging them up will just let it kill them faster).
Not if you're willing to have a pet wether. They get along fine with fused joints...even really BADLY fused joints. See?
She's 4 years old and a great babysitter.
:/ injectable selenium and vitamin e....try to find a livestock vet, it's a common drug...
I've not had a goat that down in the pasterns, so I'm not sure it will help at her age. Just watch her for discomfort, esp. once she's bred.
Finally got a photo from a past customer in GA with one of our first Mini Nubian does, who freshened with triplets for her FF this year, and also raised a bum ND kid on top of that! I don't know what the fill is on this udder, but I'm pretty pleased with it!
She's Helmstead Minis Clementine...
Honestly I don't believe there is ANY correlation. I have several does who genetically should produce multiples, and throw a single every time regardless of what I do. Then I have does from singleton producers who throw multiples. I don't believe producing multiples has much of anything to do...
Unless the buck has fertility issues, the NUMBER of kids has absolutely NOTHING to do with him.
Sex, of course, is determined by the buck.
The doe is completely responsible for the number of eggs that erupt during ovulation. There are MANY factors that effect that.
They are PRECIOUS...even the one missing his ears :P
Bad things happen, they do...but MOST of the time it's AOK. Just do all the reading you can so you can be aware when something is amiss. For me, I know if they're doing lip-curling pushes for more than 10 minutes and nothing happens, I have...