I have often said that if someone is cold, they need a hat. I would knit a nice warm one and leave it in a ziploc bag where they might walk past. I would write a note with number for food bank and a request for them to move along to another neighborhood.
As for guns, we give peace a chance...
Thank you all for the quick advice! I am off to the store to buy some better feed for the turkeys. I won't get so attached if i call them names like "Stuffed" and "Roasted". I am not naming the cornish rocks. I think the brooder is big enough to put a partition, or perhaps a box to separate...
I can bring turkey for Thanksgiving this year for both families that we usually cook for!
I am about to go check on them now...hoping they fared well since my last check at 4 am, just like the baby LOL
I Thursday I returned from the feedstore with 18 cornish rock weekolds and 2 bronze turkey babies for $10.50. They were supposed to be 50 cents a head for the rocks, but i think she miscounted. The turkeys were only $1.00 each. Checking prices online and inperson i think I got a good deal :)...
Sad to say, but I think it a sign of the times. Covid and drug abuse has adversely affected so many families. In our neighborhood, a BIG man dressed head to toe in black was seen on a security camera walking through the snow looking into cars and going up to houses... at 2 am. He was not very...
My address is:
(hmm i was going to post my address here, but not sure if i would want to put my home address public? I can see what previous posters have said
If postage is too high, i will pay postage when it gets here.
oooh that would be nice. I really just would like to see what parts of the skirting to remove and then see and feel how different the fleece would be ready for carding. Can you send me a REALLY icky piece and a little piece of wool that is prepared to be carded. Sending address now thanks!
Hubby was joking about getting a donkey, but i was serious LOL. Would a dog be better for chucks? We are not much for dogs, since having a very bad experience with a housedog that refuse to housetrain:he.
Plus a donkey is better for keeping out pesky people too. Mom lives on a road that...
We have a little piece of land and about 1/3 acre is wooded and somewhat hilly--seems perfect for goats and sheep. It is not going to be a year round pasture, only mainly during the winter we have snow and grazing is not available. The woodchucks get pretty big here and they have made a mess...
Omg that was amazing! I can not believe i just watched a half hour show on weeds, but it was fascinating! Can't wait to go pick out a goat or 2, or 3 🐐
I think if they have enough hay and turn them loose, i think they will be okay. There is enough brush that is not harmful out there for...
Yes that is truly generous to share fleece! I would like to start growing our own sheep, but it would be nice to have a little swatch to see what i am working toward producing. Can you send me just a little to i can feel the differnce... gosh i guess i really am a newbie.
gosh it has been so long since we had those sheep...like 30 years ago LOL. Suffolk or suffolk cross--the ram was black face and white wool, the ewes were mostly white. I think a few of them lambs were chocolate brown, which is what this fleece is from. The mill that they took the other fleece...
I am pretty new to this wool processing stuff. My Mom has been cleaning out the attic and found a pillowcase Full of fleece that had been shorn about 30 years ago. It is a lovely shade of frosty chocolate. It smells pretty awful, but i think I watched a couple of youtube videos on how to...
Thanks for the welcome :D I
I am researching about the different breeds of sheep and definitely see a couple goats in the mix...simply for their antics. We will include some meatbirds in the rotation plan. I might consider a feeder pig My Mom has 30+ acres and we don't want to mow it all.
We have a creeping myrtle, poison ivy and english ivy problem and having some goats and sheep will help. I know that when animals ppop, they have seeds and plant matter all in a nice "package" and ready to reseed. Are we going to further our headaches by letting them eat the plants? We want...
I grew up on a farm, so i am familiar with what is involved in care of an animal, but willing to learn a few new things to make life easier. I would like to expand into sheep and/or goats for grazing grass and for fiber production. I also would like to periodically produce some chickens for...