Thanks, and yes they do have different places to go in the brooder. The temp in the brooder is 98F. My sister thinks we killed them, but the chicks that are alive seem perfectly fine. :)
thanks, :)
:) :D Hi, I ordered two straight run geese, and I got lucky, I have one male, and one female. Today she layed her first egg!! :D I quickly got the egg, and washed it carefully with water since she laid it in the mud. I am going to put an old dog house in their cage so her eggs will be cleaner...
Hi, I have chicks right know, and lots of them are dying, because they have congenital tremors. :( The good thing is it does not spread, so I don`t think any more will be dying. I think I should get more in about 2 or 3 weeks, but when do you think I should get more. I may sound like a first...
Ya, after I took out the one heat lamp and the blankets, it went down to about 98 deg. They are staying in a horse trough, and most of them are not looking hot. Only the sick ones look hot, because they are sick. The good news is there is only one or two left that will most likely die. The other...
Thanks for the help guys. I just wen`t and checked on them, and one little RIR, EE, BA, and a Black star died. :( I put a thermometer in their cage, and it said it was at 107 deg. So I took of the blankest, and unplugged one heat lamp, and some of them are still panting. In about 2 or 3 weeks...
:) Hi, if you have any young standard Bronze Breasted turkeys that need a home I`d be willing to take two. I have a coop, and have raised many animals, like ducks, turkeys, chicks, and geese, and I` am raising chicks and turkey poults right now.
Thanks, :)
Thanks guys, I just checked on them, and none of them flipped over, but now they are too hot, so I raised one of the heat lamps, and took of the blankets. Right before I go to bed I am going to go check on them, and put back on one of the towls, and wake up at about about 3 at night, and at 6...
:( My chicks keep falling over on their sides, and they can`t get back up after they roll over. Most of them fall down, and don`t get back up, and die. :( I check on them about every 30 min, and help the ones that are flipped over. Some of the chicks are week , and some are strong. The problem...
I feed my chickens eggs once in a while. But I don`t do it that much, because I don`t want them to eat their eggs, right after they lay them. Its not bad for them. I would feed them about 3 or 4 chicken eggs a month.
good luck, :)
I have been trying to Post pics on my page, and when I try to past a picture on my page nothing happens. I clicked no the picture, and pressed past, and then went over to my thing, and clicked pace, and it did not work? :/ :idunno :idunno
You will probably be able to trust it. I dont know a lot about great pyrenese dogs, but lady down the street has a great pyrenese dog,but I don`think she pets it that much. It will walk up to the fence and bark every time I walk by, but if you walk up to it it runs away. She has another dog...
:D Hi, I just got 25 baby chicks, and two baby turkeys/poults. I will post some pics of them , but feel free to post some pics of your chickens, or turkeys/Poults to. :)
here they are getting some water.
And there are the pics of my babies :lol:
Thanks guys, I have 2 bronze turkey poults,5 easter eggers, 4 brown leghorns, 4 hen barred rocks, 3 black australores, 2 red stars, 2 black stars,1buff orpington, 3 road island reds, and 1 barred rock rooster. I will post some pics soon, and they are for eggs, and pets. Now we have a total of...