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  1. Kalimak

    I don't know what I'm looking at here - Please advise

    we have chickens and thank god we never saw 1 tick, and we’re always outside and the animals too. I hope we never have that problem, chickens always free range.
  2. Kalimak

    I don't know what I'm looking at here - Please advise

    thanks a lot for the info! Yeah thank god it wasn’t a tick, and looks like a dimple, I still want to inspect more when I go back home today. But thankfully it doesn’t look like anything is there anymore.
  3. Kalimak

    I don't know what I'm looking at here - Please advise

    no I was cleaning with a Q-tip and I could see that it’s not a hole, only like a deep dimple which seems like I need to clean every once in a while. This is the first time I notice it.
  4. Kalimak

    I don't know what I'm looking at here - Please advise

    I cleaned it and it looked like it’s nothing, it was a clump of waste...but it’s clumping in a hole that looks like a belly button, or a deep dimple? I cleaned it out and it was a little pink. Is this normal?
  5. Kalimak

    I don't know what I'm looking at here - Please advise

    Thanks a lot for the info. I have an update post in a few.
  6. Kalimak

    I don't know what I'm looking at here - Please advise

    thanks, I’ll inspect closer. If it’s a tick, can I just pull?
  7. Kalimak

    I don't know what I'm looking at here - Please advise

    Hi all, What is this above her anus? She's 9 months old - half ND half Nubian.
  8. Kalimak

    Here’s a link.

    Here’s a link.
  9. Kalimak

    Hey! You might wanna post this in the forum under behavior. To me it looks like you posted it on...

    Hey! You might wanna post this in the forum under behavior. To me it looks like you posted it on your profile page.
  10. Kalimak

    Hoof trimming help

    Thanks for the diagram, very helpful! Those are kind of exactly the areas I went for + flattening the heels.
  11. Kalimak

    Hoof trimming help

    Thanks a lot. I did trim it flat. After B&B gave me the courage to do so, I went for it. Thank you for the info, gives me perspective on what what I'm working with.
  12. Kalimak

    Not liking alfalfa

    Thanks a lot. Yeah it’s not really available where I am. Plus, like you’re saying, risking ruining the feed is not budget friendly for me.
  13. Kalimak

    Not liking alfalfa

    Very true. For now I’m sticking to coastal/enforcing it lol. No pellets since yesterday. The yelling started at 6 AM. But hopefully they stick to the hay and that’s it.
  14. Kalimak

    Not liking alfalfa

    Ooh can you feed that for dairies? Just like alfalfa free choice and what not?
  15. Kalimak

    Not liking alfalfa

    Ok, I need to talk to you before breeding time lol. I’m waiting til the beginning of the new year. I’m cutting off the alfalfa pellets and will keep hay full as usual. Should I keep pushing with the coastal? It’s very new to them, would they have rumen issues? Yeah, mana pro is the bag of...
  16. Kalimak

    Not liking alfalfa

    Noted. They actually do have browse and green grass but not 24/7.
  17. Kalimak

    Not liking alfalfa

    Noted. I will cut back the alfalfa pellets (nubian is gonna vocalize this phase loudly). Yes, they burp and chew their cud normally. Yeah, the coastal hay bale was for $9 compared to the $20 alfalfa bale lol...I have loose minerals for them, they don't touch it (any advice on this? Maybe a brand...
  18. Kalimak

    Not liking alfalfa

    Update: I got a bale of coastal hay to see if my goats will like it. I put some down in the feeder, they searched it for alfalfa pellets, didn't find any, then looked at me as in "are you kidding me"?...I haven't managed to find peanut hay besides bulk sale and quite a hefty bill to ship. Where...
  19. Kalimak

    Hoof trimming help

    Risky, gotta be careful. Glad you’re fine!