Don't have experience but I think it would depend on if the LGD understood what was happening. If not it would probably go after the other dog(s), simply cause it would see them as a threat. It would also depend on the individual dog, some would do better than others.
1. What do y'all use for nest boxes, and how are they constructed?
Last time I had a doe have babies she did it in a coke flat.
2. Do they need vegetables in addition to the pellets?
Mine get them.
3. If so, what kind and how much?
Grass, strawberry tops, carrots, and some vegetable scraps. As...
My name is Geremiah and I live in Central Alabama. I currently raise Rabbits, Game Chickens (Standard and Bantamn), Pigeons, a pair of Ringed Teals, 1 cat, and 5 dogs. I also help my Grandpa with his Goats and Rabbits(Flemish and Californians).