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  1. Blamo'sBestBuddy

    Wild life pictures!

    Hi everyone, I'm sorry I've not been on much, I'm sick. :(
  2. Blamo'sBestBuddy

    Wild life pictures!

    Thanks! Have you got any spider pictures to share? Also, I love jumping spiders. There cute!
  3. Blamo'sBestBuddy

    Wild life pictures!

    (Click to make bigger.)
  4. Blamo'sBestBuddy

    Wild life pictures!

    Sorry, I've not been here for a few days. Just saw this spider today! He's BIG.
  5. Blamo'sBestBuddy

    Wild life pictures!

    I love tree frogs, but NOT centipedes! :love :smack
  6. Blamo'sBestBuddy

    Blamo'sBestBuddy--- My chickens and my fish!

    I already have! :love They are so fun! :D I'll tell you all if anything funny happens today. Also, one question: Do chickens like swimming?
  7. Blamo'sBestBuddy

    FFF? (Follow for follow?)

    FFF? (Follow for follow?)
  8. Blamo'sBestBuddy

    Blamo'sBestBuddy--- My chickens and my fish!

    No, this is my first flock. I've only had them for about 24 weeks. But, that is a pretty long time and I've learned a lot....especially about feed buckets. :mad: :epI got them as chicks, so they are about 24 weeks old.
  9. Blamo'sBestBuddy

    Wild life pictures!

    :eek: They don't look to good. But if they help your garden, good for you! :rolleyes::lol:
  10. Blamo'sBestBuddy

    Blamo'sBestBuddy--- My chickens and my fish!

    Yes! That is her! She was so much younger then. Here is a updated pic of her: She is a Golden Laced Wyandotte. She grew up to be much blacker than my other two Golden Laced Wyandotte's. So, this is how she came to be in my flock: It all started when I got my chickens from Tractor Supply Co...
  11. Blamo'sBestBuddy

    Blamo'sBestBuddy--- My chickens and my fish!

    This thread. Here is is again: _____________________________________________________________
  12. Blamo'sBestBuddy

    Wild life pictures!

    I can see why! :love
  13. Blamo'sBestBuddy

    Wild life pictures!

    Awww, they are SO cute! Especially that last one. Jessie, right?