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  1. mully

    Best thing I've found for removing Buck smell etc...

    I have been using Dr. Bronners peppermint castile soap for over 40 years and i am amazed at all the uses. Great shampoo!, perfect for camping because it will clean the dishes and wash your body and you can even brush your teeth with it. It is good on animals to keep flies from biting.
  2. mully

    Wet llama in the snow?

    They should weather just fine ...just keep your eye on them. Mine are out in the snow today frolicking and having fun in the cold even though they have shelter. My fussy goats are even out in this weather.
  3. mully

    Help! What's going on with this goat?

    Good ..glad to hear it, most on this site are so helpful but there are some that have a bite.
  4. mully

    What do i need to know about donkeys...

    You can try it out .... one lesson i learned is do not give treats by hand as the donkey will get defensive and not want any other to get treats I think this is what happen in my case I have him for sale on craigs list but no takers.
  5. mully

    What do i need to know about donkeys...

    My mini male ..gelded.. chases my goats so i have to repasture him careful because they can turn on the smaller animals and bite them and run them down. Mine is so people friendly and a sweet guy but every once in a while he gets a wild hair to chase one of the goats and bite it on the...
  6. mully

    Would you buy a goat who is Neg, but is in a herd with a few Pos CAE?

    In a word...NO With all the goats that are for sale why take a chance?
  7. mully

    Question for horse people

    Never let them see you sweat !!
  8. mully

    Copper Bolus Dosing Question??

    Thanks for this tip ...seems so easy (Ilike easy) ...I will try it this way next time.
  9. mully

    Taste of Goat Meat

    Goat is a wonderful meat!! Mild flavor like beef and no real gamy taste like deer or lamb. Sometimes can be tough but makes a great curry stew. BBQ's very nice. Try some you will be hooked. I do not butcher but can get it done for about $60 ...cut, packed, labeled and frozen.
  10. mully

    Llama with ear problem?

    Even if it is an infection it can be controlled...he is cute and his ears are part of his personality.
  11. mully

    Blu-Kote all over my face

    GOJO Works great as it cuts the oil and should not be too rough for your face... you can find it in automotive stores as a hand cleaner.
  12. mully

    What animal is best for me to start with? Please post!!!!

    What ever you choose investigate all your options and remember you do this out of love because unless you raise the goose that laid the golden egg it is difficult at best to break even. Good luck !!
  13. mully

    alpaca or mini lammas?

    Alpaca's are known for their very soft fleece. As far a personality it is like people some are easy and some can be a handful. I would read up on both breeds and visit a few breeding farms to gain some first hand information.
  14. mully

    Water heaters

    Most of the heaters are for stock tanks that are 40-50 gal You might want to buy a 2 gal bucket with a heater built in, then you could just add water
  15. mully

    Your thoughts on herbal wormers

    I have 21 goats on 2.5 acres but I split the herd... I have 9 on 3/4 acre (smaller ..younger) and 12 on about 1 3/4 acre. Mostly boer does and a few wethers as I do not keep bucks.
  16. mully

    EMERGENCY! Puncture wound in abdomen, tetanus and peritonitis?

    Sorry you lost her !! God Bless!!
  17. mully

    Your thoughts on herbal wormers

    I have used the herbal wormer from Hoeggers Supply and have been using it for the past 5 years. The herbal wormer works well for me but I also use Ivermec around June when the worm load can creep up in count and i do this because I would have to increase the herbal to the point of causing...
  18. mully

    Out of feed and it's the weekend -- substitutes

    I would go with the calf manna but for 2 days you need not worry
  19. mully

    Security signs for fences/gates.

    Funny thing about signs ...some people think "oh that does not mean me" chains and locks work...a pain but they work.