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  1. mully

    word association

    Deviled egg
  2. mully


    :thumbsup Welcome to a great site !!
  3. mully

    word association

  4. mully

    OK... Some goat troubles.

    This is what goats do why stop it ...just enjoy their "silly antics"
  5. mully

    Kidding?! Patches has tricked me before! (Pic Heavy)

    How about rhymes ... off the top - Thatch and Scratch ...will work with Patches
  6. mully

    word association

    and milk!
  7. mully

    Looking to start a dairy farm. Need help.

    YES YES and hard work and sometimes nasty :gig
  8. mully

    word association

  9. mully

    Kidding?! Patches has tricked me before! (Pic Heavy)

    I would say she will "drop" today ...guess you are with her now Make sure to have your birth kit with you all the time now. Best of luck!!
  10. mully

    I got a new doe....

    She is a cutie .. good luck with her !!
  11. mully

    What to use for bedding?

    The goats will love pine shavings so use them.
  12. mully

    crazy billy died

    He may have been mean but I know you will miss him!! :(
  13. mully

    I messed up...

    We all learn lessons from our mistakes that I the price we pay for being human. Good you were not hurt and a truck is just a "thing" Don't blame yourself as experience changes how we will do the next time. Dust yourself off and drive some more and just consider this one of life's lessons. May...
  14. mully

    Hoof crack =(

    I would use the betadine since you have it and do use it full strength Maybe do this every day for a few days... yoou could call your farrier and ask him what the thinks as i am sure he has seen this before. Good luck