Im trying to put up a separting wire barrier between does. Its about 24" high. One doe must have jumped over. How high does it have to be? I was trying to put something up i could step over.
I can't find a youtube video that can teach me how to create a blanket from rabbit pelts. Is there a video that I can watch to teach me? I'm more of a visual person when it comes to learning.
Is there a way to tell if my does are pregnant? Someone told me that when they are close to giving birth, they will start pulling out hair . is there any other obvious signs? Will they look different?
Im having trouble finding wheat or barley seed a my local food stoors. I checked amazon at what i found was very expensive. What is a normal price fro a 50lb bag? Is there a place online that i can buy from?
I got my first rabbit trio yesterday. How long do i leave the does together with the buck to mate? Is there anyway to tell if its a success? Also if i separate the buck from the does in his own area will he get depressed? And can i leave the two does in the same area to nest and give birth? I...
Im looking into raising rabbits. I asked around online about buying a trio of new zeland rabbits. One person in my area responded and offered to sell me a trio of black and broken new zeland jrs for 100$. Is this a normal price?