Haha...Driving through the hills here, I sometimes see small flocks of chickens up in the woods. It never occurred to me that they might be feral. Makes sense though.
Thanks Alaskan!
Using your keywords, I found a similar video showing meat goats. My guess is that my goats are probably too fat, but I'll check them according to the information in the videos tomorrow.
If they need to trim down some, is there any harm in a radical reduction in daily ration? Or...
Wow, great information. Thanks! And please, forgive my ignorance...I don't know any goat people at all to ask these things.
So, am I understanding this correctly... I can switch to alfalfa and forego the feed entirely? I read somewhere recently that alfalfa wasn't as good for goats as timothy...
So I got up this morning and commenced with the same ol' routine: let the dogs out, shuffle to the coffee pot, grind the beans, fill the carafe, hit go. Feed the old dog in the house, step on deer antlers, cuss the puppy for bringing them in, feed the puppy outside, feed the cats inside, fill up...
I'm a bit embarrassed to admit it, but I know nothing about feeding goats.
I have 3 Boers, all retired show goats. Ages 2 years (wether), 4 years (wether), and 4 years (doe? nanny?--I don't know the correct term). Their sole purpose is to be farm ornaments and sporadic fence line trimmers.
I can't even imagine what goes on in their minds. Such sweet goofballs. I love 'em to pieces. They're the court jesters here on the farm. Hilarious beasts...
Thanks for the warm welcome all :frow
Hey all,
Just came over from BYC to check the place out.
I have 3 goofy Boer's, though I'm not certain that qualifies as a herd...
The 100+ chickens I have sound like a herd when it's feeding time, so maybe that's my qualifier. :hu