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  1. M

    Refusing bottle today, 3wks old

    Bo is refusing his bottle today. Last night he only took about half. He will take a sip or two then run off. He's still alert, active, playing with the dogs and doing lamb parcour all over the house. He has feed and hay and water but we haven't noticed him eating any. Diaper was soaked this...
  2. M

    Photos of goats, various stages of preg?

    Omgosh you're too funny! Well it sounds like the boys get their special day with the vet. Do a little snip snip. I went back and looked and the babies went outside at 10 weeks in mid June. So I'm assuming Schmoo or Denny may be a daddy soon. Sneaky little turds. So I guess stay tuned for...
  3. M

    Photos of goats, various stages of preg?

    OMG it hurts when hot coffee sprays out your nose! A drive by shooting. Holy crap I haven't laughed that hard in ages! Well I guess I need to see how old the boys are. :/
  4. M

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Bo the rejected Ram lamb Little Eagle, the king of the backyard empire (seriously the coolest little rooster ever)
  5. M


    Is anyone else in middle TN? We have goats, sheep, pigs, chickens and ducks, plus domestics. Hoping to buy land from a couple neighbors and add geese, peafowl and cattle at the least. We are in Van Buren county.
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    Dreaded barber pole - chances of survival?

    Well Rambo has been out for a while now and has returned to wanting almost nothing to do with us. Lol. We were given a rejected lamb that was a few days old a while back. I had to do some chores out there a coiple days ago, so I took Bo's diaper off and let him come with me. The only reason...
  7. M

    Photos of goats, various stages of preg?

    I've had people for the last month telling me that my 2 year old NDG mix is preggers. She's been with a couple wethers and 3 unrelated kids, 2 bucklings and a doeling. In November we were given a very confused long haired 3 year old NDG mix billy. He seems to think he's a sheep and spends his...
  8. M

    Livestock guardian options?

    I would LOVE them to be locked up at night. For years they were with no issue, but the room we locked them in (was meant to be a shop on the back of the attached garage) was just converted into a room in the house. We had a new coop built but they refuse to use it. The old coop was CBS with...
  9. M

    Livestock guardian options?

    Yeh that was kind of my concern. I knew they were good for coyotes and stuff but hadn't heard of anything but dogs going after the smaller predators. Gah! I guess I just have to built Ft Knox for chickens and ducks. Fort Clucks?
  10. M

    Livestock guardian options?

    Guys, we do not want a dog. It's not an option at all for us. That's why in the first post I said I really don't want a dog. I spent over 2 decades training dogs and doing rescue work. I know how much time and training it takes. I'm aware of different breeds various issues, including how much...
  11. M

    Livestock guardian options?

    Definitely do not want a dog. Not even a consideration. If we could catch whatever it is, that would be great. Found an opossum in with them once. We just can't find whatever it is and can't catch all the birds at night to lock them up. I may put up a fence and start locking them in a run as I...
  12. M

    Livestock guardian options?

    We have had chickens and ducks here for 12 years now with very few issues. Once in a while one would escape the fence and get hit by a car. We had a fox that jumped the wall a couple times and grabbed a chicken. Coyote walked through the pasture before it was fenced and grabbed a chicken that...
  13. M

    Lamb milk replacer

    No plans really. I have them wethered around 3 months of age and they are basically pasture pets. Lawn mowers so I don't have to cut grass in the pasture. Thank you all for the info. He doesn't walk around willy nilly head butting but when we first get there with his bottle he is very excited...
  14. M

    Lamb milk replacer

    Really?! I assumed it was the natural ramming they do to moms bag to let down milk. Had no idea it was playing!! We actually learned the hard way with our first goat kid. He got to that age and loved ramming everyone and everyone. Thankfully a good friend has goats and she noticed it, but not...
  15. M

    Urine and stool

    Oh great, thank you! Not sure why I didn't get an email about a comment on the other thread. Weird.
  16. M

    Urine and stool

    Little Rams urine in the diaper is looking a bit dark to me. His stool is also a little light and slightly soft. He acts normal, active, alert, eats great. Should I be worried? He's6 days old.
  17. M

    Lamb milk replacer

    Stool didn't load in other post for some reason
  18. M

    Lamb milk replacer

    Thank you everyone! He's6 days old today so I'm letting him have what he wants. He gets full and starts ramming my legs, like mom's bag to let down milk, but won't take more milk when offered. Also his diapers have a slight red tint overnight. Now overnight of course there is more in there so...
  19. M

    Lamb milk replacer

    Gave hubby name suggestions and he is mulling them over. Seems to have figured out the bottle IF we hide it behind our leg. Do I let him have as much as he wants? He's taking one cup at a time every two and a half to three hours but he seems like he wants more. Should I try a cup and a half? Or...
  20. M

    Lamb milk replacer

    Just did plain whole milk. I tried to add molasses, yogurt and evaporated milk and he did not approve. He still isn't sure about the bottle. Seems to take enough to get by but still hopes a mommy will come along. Hubby learned quick to not squat in front of him. ROFL He is good though. No...