@OneFineAcre: That's sort of my point. We cannot afford a full grown proven buck as was suggested. In the mean time, we can afford to take a chance on a buck kid from the local breeder. None of her does have gotten more than one grand championship, but she doesn't show except at a local level...
@Fullhousefarm: I am, but I don't know how to message you on my cell phone, my computer internet is satellite internet so it doesn't like the server. That's why I haven't been as active compared to before I moved out here, and my cell phone internet is limited. If you message me a link to your...
As we will likely be bringing in more kids from other lines next year, we won't run out of use from the buck we buy this year.
I have not seen any reputable (ADGA registered and of good producing lines) full grown bucks go for less than $500-600 around here, either, which as I previously...
I hadn't heard of G6S, so thank you for making me aware of it. We unfortunately are not in a position to spend $50 per kid at the moment (newly bought house + motorcycle troubles for the SO + disaster with chicks needing replacing means we are low on cash for the next two or three months)...
@Hens and Roos: Thank you. We buried them under our large oak tree.
The babies are doing well and growing like weeds. We are going to take them to the vet down the road on March 1st to use their dog scale to weigh them (and because the vets demanded to see the cuteness for themselves!)...
We will definitely be keeping all of the does we get, so... Lol
The breeder won't breed our does, as she'd rather sell her buck kids. The next closest Nubian breeder, two hours south, that we've found reputable won't "rent" a buck either. The only ones we have found in the area that do aren't...
Some of you know we purchased four doelings a few weeks ago, and they were both a pair of twins with the same father (Curley) but different mothers (Me Too and another doe).
I spoke to the breeder this week, and she has a buckling available from very good lines. However, he is related to two of...
Definitely not a freemartin. Freemartins, by definition, are a male/female twinning where they share an amniotic sac and swap hormones causing both to underdevelop their respective sex organs. Since it was supposed to be a female/female twinning, it can't be a freemartin. The sister could have...
Sorry it's been a while, the babies are doing well, but we had a disaster with the chicks we ordered. Post office took too long delivering them, and we ended up losing 32/46 chicks in less than 48 hours. Thankfully the hatchery refunded us, but still quite depressing. :(
We ended up ordering a...
We've been washing them out after using them, but we don't have a bottle brush and obviously can't stick them in the dishwasher. The other challenge is that we don't drink soda, so buying them is a waste as we've only gotten one week of use out of a bottle. The calf bottle would be cheaper than...
Just a question regarding bottles. The breeder gave us nipples that snap onto soda bottles, but the soda bottles are collapsing and getting gross and can't be washed. What sort of bottles do you guys use? Where can I buy them? TSC only has 2 quart ones and those are far too big. :(
Sorry I'm...
They are doing well on three bottles a day! :love
Everyone but little Sapphire finishes the bottles of about 16 ounces and wants more. Sapphire is eating about 13-14 ounces consistently.
I really need to get a bathroom scale so that I can start tracking their weights. All of them look great...
That's a great resource, thank you!
It sounds like I suspected, they should be on three bottles a day still and be eating a little less at each feeding. I'll have to give that a try, although I will adjust the times a bit as I prefer to be up later than earlier. :D
It's good to know that the...
Just got done feeding them for the first time. Emerald is mouthy! She got me good with one of her incisors jumping and biting for the bottle. The others are very well behaved with only the occasional headbutt, which I expected. They eat well and finish their bottles. They are also really...
My problem is that study breaks would end up being every half hour for an hour each... :lol: Just gotta make it through this week then I can play with them all next weekend!