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  1. jodief100

    Temp up and down on Milker

    I think she means the hay is so rich, the goats are gettign too high of protein and not enough energy. Eating too rich of foods can cause health and digestive issues (can we say gout?). Just like we need some carbs and fiber, so do the goats.
  2. jodief100

    Producing more Doe kids than Bucks?

    If you can figure out how to make more girl kids than boys, you will be a millionaire. If any of these "old wives tales" actually worked, the multi-Billion dollar dairy industry would be implimenting it en mass. No way to change it, no way to influence it. Any surges from one year to the next...
  3. jodief100

    Sad day...

    I am so sorry Southern. It is tough. Some are just special, you can't explain why, they just are. :hugs
  4. jodief100

    Temp up and down on Milker

    I am stumped. I am leaning towards too rich of feed and she isn't eating enough of it because of that. Got any plain mixed grass, no legumes hay available?
  5. jodief100

    Jodief100--- random stuff and BIG news

    Still cold. I hate cold. I don't know if I can handle a rerun of last winter. My barn is full of hay, all the way to the celling. The space is about 34' x 16' x 20+' high. Hubby got the hayvators set up so we can stack to the rafters. I would say about 900 bales are in there. Electric...
  6. jodief100

    Shortys Journal

    We use the electric buckets. Mostly the 7 gallon size but a few of the 22 gallon ones. I have several brands and they all work. Blue ones from Tractor Supply and green ones I got on clearance at Southern State for $18 three summers ago. I just put an electric dog bowl in for the turkeys...
  7. jodief100

    How to catch a goat?

    My neighbor is having this same issue with a pig. The pig got loose and was running around on a very busy road. My neighbor and his cousin spent about 6 hours catching the pig. A few days later the owner shows up and wants his pig back. Neighbor said no way, I caught him, he's mine. They...
  8. jodief100

    Shortys Journal

    We use electric waterers where possible. Makes things much easier. Can you put a light bulb on them?
  9. jodief100

    BrownSheep- It's been a while

    Good work on your classes! Keep it up. The spinning sounds so fun. I wish I had been a bit more "responsible" when I was in college. There is so much stuff I could have done but now don't have the time for.
  10. jodief100

    BarredRockMomma (I'm still here)

    :hugs So sorry to hear about your Dad. He leaves a wonderful legacy in your beautiful farm.
  11. jodief100

    Winter with goats

    I don't buy "Goat Feed". Anything specifically labeled for goats costs more than it needs to. I buy a standard 18% protein livestock pellet, mix 2 parts of that with 1 part whole corn and 1 part alfalfa pellets. I feed at a rate of 1/10 lb per head to 1/2 lb per head depending on...
  12. jodief100

    Winter with goats

    Back to the original post..... Shelter, out of the wind and snow. Some kind of bedding to get them off the frozen ground. Hay, mineral and feed, water that is not frozen. Love and attention. Pretty much all they need. If they are pregnant and expecting in the cold, then they may need some...
  13. jodief100

    Need opportunity to work on a goat farm for 1-2 weeks

    I think that is great you are looking to gain experience before jumping in. Where are you located?
  14. jodief100

    Kidding Kits

    OB Gloves. Lots and lots of lube. If you think you have enough, then triple it and you might. Bo-Se which is RX. Weak kid syringe, a syringe with a tube on it for tube feeding.
  15. jodief100

    help!!!!i m

    Leaving carcasses out is illegal in many states for exactly this reason. I don't advise you risking your relationship with your landlord over this but maybe the two of you can find a better alternative. In my county, I get 6 free dead animal pickups a year, no questions asked. I can get two...
  16. jodief100

    Jodief100--- random stuff and BIG news

    I have to be home when there is light out so I only have weekends to get pictures. I will try for some this weekend. They are cute. Peron has hit puberty. :eek:
  17. jodief100

    New Guardian

    She is beautiful!
  18. jodief100

    Jodief100--- random stuff and BIG news

    First snow of the here today. o_O Puppies are not sure what to think of it. They are getting huge. It is going to be single digits tonight and I have 4 girls who can kid any second now. :barnie
  19. jodief100

    Worming Question

    Yes, dry-lotted goats will be exposed to different worms than those on pasture. The management is very different.
  20. jodief100

    Worming Question

    Yes, but Barberpole worm is the deadly one. The others will rarely kill. Barperpole is also the most common. It is rare to have other worms without barberpole. If a goat is unthrifty, I may worm her even with a good FAMACHA score. I don't do it often though.