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  1. jodief100

    Ready or Not....... Shouldvknwnbetter- Fall

    I would just leave him out. Bringing him in and out is harder on him then just staying in the cold. At four weeks he is eating hay and has a good rumen. He will stay warm just fine. He is adorable and I am so glad he is back with his momma.
  2. jodief100

    Southern's 2015 Kidding -Mini's off to new home

    What I think is "pack that girl up and send her my way"! Looks like they are a good 60%-70% of their momma's weight already. Thick legs, nice and solid under them. Look great. I will trade you a Mabel doe for her. ;) We will be in Boonesboro, MD in June- just saying.
  3. jodief100

    Jodief100--- random stuff and BIG news

    Southern, twins all around for the 3 remaining does out of the "problem" line. 3 with singles from that line, 3 twins. I brought two of them to the stockyards last week. :hu One of the does with a single had triplets last year so she gets a pass. Babies are all well. I let them out in...
  4. jodief100

    Callie Pups!New homes & Teaching Moments

    I hope you are alright. Take it easy. Head injuries are tricky. The pictures are so freaking adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want a house full of LGD puppies!!!!!! Apparently two isn't enough. :lol:
  5. jodief100

    OneFineAcre Spring 2015 Kidding Thread - Seperating and weaning babies 1st cut of alfalfa

    They are all so cute! Ginger's boy is a nice, stocky goat. I don't know how much the dairy world values those nice thick legs, solidly under him but I look at him and say Nice! :love
  6. jodief100

    Callie Pups!New homes & Teaching Moments

    The pups are just amazing! We are all so blessed to have someone like you here to give us guidance with our dogs. Peron and Zorya are going to be great LGD's A lot of that is because of you. Jack is wonderful but he has some quirks that if I had known what I know now, we may have been able...
  7. jodief100

    Jodief100--- random stuff and BIG news

    It has been a crazy few weeks. Lots of babies born. We got 8 inches of snow, subzero temps and then 60 degrees, all in a four day span. The river got high but didn't quite flood. It was eerie seeing the creek, frozen solid, right up to the edge of the bridge and all through the woods along...
  8. jodief100

    Jodief100--- random stuff and BIG news

    I have some pictures, not all of them. star and her babies Mary and P babies This is either Mary's or P's- not sure. Twin to the previous one Coal's babies
  9. jodief100

    Jodief100--- random stuff and BIG news

    OK, I am Sooooooo behind here. Been busy busy busy. P had twins on Feb 25th boy and a girl. Zypher had a single boy, stillborn, small and underdeveloped on Feb 25th. Big Mary had buck-doe twins on February 26th. Coal had buck-doe twins on February 27th. Bella had buck doe twins on March 6th...
  10. jodief100

    Switching from Save a Kid to cows milk?

    All good advise. As for feed, see if you can find a non-sweet feed for goats. If not, a standard stock feed with 12% protein is good. Make sure the calcium is at least twice the phosphorus. I use a standard 18% protein stock pellet mixed 2 parts with 1 part whole corn and 1 part alfalfa...
  11. jodief100

    Soremouth Help Needed

    Not much you can do for soremouth. As long as the kid is eating well there is not much to worry about. Watch for infection. It is better now than summer, bugs make it much worse.
  12. jodief100

    Walnut Hill Kidding Thread…kidding begins! Lost one momma:( And more babies!

    Yup, coloring is weird. I know someone who says she knows which spotted goats to cross with which spotted goats to always get spots but... she has been doing this a long time. I have solid black babies nursing solid white mommies. I have solid white babies nursing paint, brown and white...
  13. jodief100


    Not much you can do about it now. Just keep it clean and watch for signs of infection. You may want to consider giving her some PenG just in case. Good thing it happened in the winter. Heat and bugs make these things much worse.
  14. jodief100

    Ligaments Gone For Days, No Kids!

    Yup. and read up on the Doe Code.
  15. jodief100

    Walnut Hill Kidding Thread…kidding begins! Lost one momma:( And more babies!

    I am so sorry :hugsThe kids are beautiful but it is so hard loosing a doe.
  16. jodief100

    Ligaments Gone For Days, No Kids!

    This is normal. Ligs come and go. Mucus drips for minutes- or weeks. Signs of impending labor are like the Pirate Code- not rules so much as guidelines. I had one kid last night without ever showing any of the signs. I have another that has been drippy, loose ligs and pawing the ground for...
  17. jodief100


    So sorry for the loss of the doe. :hugs That is the worst. Loosing babies sucks but you kind of expect a few in an operation as large as yours. Loosing mommas, you don't plan on that. :hit We had one get herself tangled in the electric net while giving birth a few years ago. Fortunately for...
  18. jodief100

    MsDeb's Journal - Lookin Out My Back Door

    absolutely- that is how goat math works. :lol:
  19. jodief100

    SillyChicken's journal

    She is very cute! :love
  20. jodief100

    Virtual Flock

    How sweet! I am sure Cherokee would love some too.