I"m not being asked, but MY opinion on mini cows is that they're adorable but for some reason not as appealing as big cows..........but mini cows aer pretty cool.
That's what I did with chickens- read, read, read- and now I'm pretty good with most subjects. I've been reading your thread on Pearl and I've already learned so much about horses. The forums are great.
For the purposes of these questions, let's say I have 10ish acres I can devote to cows. What kind of fencing is best?
I'm considering goats as well-I'm going to make a thread quite similar to this one in the goat section with goat specific questions. I'm trying to get as much information as...
To clarify-- these questions, are all currently hypothetical as I'm not in a position either land-wise or money-wise to get cows (or horses, or sheep, or anything else I ask about) I"m asking these questions because I'll almost definitely forget them, and I'm trying to plan. I'd like to get...
Okay.... going to come back at you..... ;):frow can you put your general area in your profile so that when someone answers questions, they can tailor the answer to your area.....
Will do. I'm currently in CT but I'm hoping to move to Vermont or Maine.
ALL ACCORDING to where you are...
Hey all! I have some (currently) hypothetical questions about cows. I asked them over on BYC but I realized this is a better spot. My main questions are:
-how much space does a single cow need?
-What breeds of cows should you get for milk? I know that jerseys are a thing that exist, same with...
Hey y'all!
I don't have any herd animals, but I do have chickens and made this account because people on BYC said that BHC was down, and I seem to be the only one that can access it. I"d love to have sheep and goats in the future, but that's a long way off.
The third pic is a definite roo. Hens don't get that much comb and wattle until they're at point of lay. The first one seems like a pullet and the second one I'm not sure, but leaning towards pullet for now, based on the smoother coloring and small comb on the first one which tends to be a...