I had a ewe lamb twins sat. morning,the ewe lamb I going to have to pull the ewe does not have enough to feed both,so i will leave the ram lamb on her.Can i feed the lamb goat milk or do i need to get milk replacer.thank you
i have a 4 month old lamb that has took a cold ,his nose is a little runny-not bad.What do i need to give him and how much,also if he has to have shots do sheep have the same reaction's that goats can have,to injection's.
Thank You
How long ae ewe's generally used for breeding? I have a 6 yo in good shape,no problems,just wondering how many goosd years she might have,as you can tell I dont know much about sheep.
Is it yay or nay on a goats list of 'its ok for them to eat'
I am raking my Grandpaw yard and there is 4 hudge pecan trees and I thought maybe I could give to my goats ,his wife wants to burn them.
Thank You very much for your replies.I have printed them out and are now in my goat book.
I will try to get a pic of Mocha-thats the name of the doeling now.She is very active and friendly.
Thank you again
I have a doe that kidded tues.night,I bought her as a open doe,so I was pretty suprised when i found the little doe.
Of course the mom had no milk,but i borrowed colostrum and got fresh goat milk,the baby weighs 3.5 lbs.mom dont have anything to do with her.How much and how often do I feed,it...
I've heard both ways so what is the norm.from more hands on goat people.
If Im standing at the rear of my goat,looking to her head,is that the correct left/right,or is it in front looking to her rear.
Thanks for the reply's. She has a dull and rough coat.She is being fed purina goat chow,is out on pasture,bermuda,clover ,fescue free choice hay,none of the goats are interested in the hay ,she has free choice to a loose mineral blend.The closest vet 35 miles one way,said to worm her if she's...
Can i worm my doe with ivomec,she was supose to be bred when I got her and she has not come in heat since i have had her which is 52 days today,she is a dairy goat but she's not being milked, she looks like bones with hide stretched over it.