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  1. L

    Goat Milk or Milk Replacer for lamb

    OK. Are there any spefic(sp?) brands
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    Goat Milk or Milk Replacer for lamb

    I had a ewe lamb twins sat. morning,the ewe lamb I going to have to pull the ewe does not have enough to feed both,so i will leave the ram lamb on her.Can i feed the lamb goat milk or do i need to get milk replacer.thank you
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    weaning pot belly piglets

    what age would be the best to wean pot belly piglets? thanks
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    lamb with a cold

    OK thanks.It has turned off cooler and wet over the weekend, and I thought he might be taking a cold.
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    lamb with a cold

    i have a 4 month old lamb that has took a cold ,his nose is a little runny-not bad.What do i need to give him and how much,also if he has to have shots do sheep have the same reaction's that goats can have,to injection's. Thank You
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    To old to breed?

  7. L

    To old to breed?

    She has been bred before,She weaned 2 nice ram lambs 2 months ago.
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    To old to breed?

    How long ae ewe's generally used for breeding? I have a 6 yo in good shape,no problems,just wondering how many goosd years she might have,as you can tell I dont know much about sheep. Thanks
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    Pecan Tree Leaves

    Is it yay or nay on a goats list of 'its ok for them to eat' I am raking my Grandpaw yard and there is 4 hudge pecan trees and I thought maybe I could give to my goats ,his wife wants to burn them.
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    Bottle feeding newborn

    Thank You very much for your replies.I have printed them out and are now in my goat book. I will try to get a pic of Mocha-thats the name of the doeling now.She is very active and friendly. Thank you again
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    Bottle feeding newborn

    I have a doe that kidded tues.night,I bought her as a open doe,so I was pretty suprised when i found the little doe. Of course the mom had no milk,but i borrowed colostrum and got fresh goat milk,the baby weighs 3.5 dont have anything to do with her.How much and how often do I feed,it...
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    left side-right side ?

    :lol: OK, Thanks every body
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    left side-right side ?

    I've heard both ways so what is the norm.from more hands on goat people. If Im standing at the rear of my goat,looking to her head,is that the correct left/right,or is it in front looking to her rear.
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    Second LGD ... are either one of these prospects?

    You may have to go with a pup.My great pyr. would not tolerate another adult of either sex.
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    8 week old Nigerian Dwarf kids in Mississippi

    I am interested in your doe,would you pm me please.
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    how soon after kidding will doe come in heat

    I have boer,dairy and boer/dairy cross ,i would just like to know where to take my buck out or leave him with the herd.
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    wisteria vine

    We are fencing off a new area for the goats,and it has a lot of wisteria vines can the goats eat these ,or does it cause problems.
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    worming pregnant goats

    Thanks for the reply's. She has a dull and rough coat.She is being fed purina goat chow,is out on pasture,bermuda,clover ,fescue free choice hay,none of the goats are interested in the hay ,she has free choice to a loose mineral blend.The closest vet 35 miles one way,said to worm her if she's...
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    worming pregnant goats

    Can i worm my doe with ivomec,she was supose to be bred when I got her and she has not come in heat since i have had her which is 52 days today,she is a dairy goat but she's not being milked, she looks like bones with hide stretched over it.
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    Johnson Grass

    Thanks everyone,I only have a small patch-not in the goat pasture,so I will be digging it up.