Search results

  1. TGreenhut

    Show Quality Sizzle Roosters in NorCal

    We have two beautiful, FRIENDLY roosters for sale. They are both great show quality!!! They are Sizzles. Sizzles are Frizzled Cochin/ Silkie crosses. We have one that is grey and one that is white with black flecks. They are both under a year old and are full-grown and crowing. I brought the...
  2. TGreenhut

    My Favorite Barn on PEI (PIC)

    Love it! I wish my barn looked like that! My goats would be in HEAVEN (not that they aren't already LOL).
  3. TGreenhut

    2 in one. weaning & breeding doe.

    More from Fias Co Farms: ( "A doe's heat cycle is approximately every 18-21 days. Signs of heat: (A doe may exhibit any, all, or none of these signs) "Flagging" (wagging) her tail. Mounting other does. Letting other does mount her...
  4. TGreenhut

    2 in one. weaning & breeding doe.

    You could wean him at 8 weeks to 3 months old. Signs of heat may or may not include: tail wagging, sticky goo dripping from vulva, snorting, they may get friendlier or more "needy", crying out for no reason, etc. Edited to fix my info (I was thinking about weaning doelings- sorry!)
  5. TGreenhut

    New buckling, when can he breed?

    Here are a few excerpts from a web page called Fias Co Farms ( I recommend you check it out for info on keeping bucks. Hopefully these two excerpts will answer your questions. "Breeding: What age can a buck breed? Believe it or...
  6. TGreenhut

    Sudan Hay

    I normally feed orchard grass hay on a daily basis and give alfalfa a couple times a week- but MAN California prices are ridiculous ($14 a square bale)! I asked about Sudan hay because I found some for sale for about $9 a bale- still pricey but cheaper than what I am used to paying. Now I know...
  7. TGreenhut

    New buckling, when can he breed?

    Bucks can be fertile as early as 2 months old, BUT I would recommend breeding closer to eight months old.
  8. TGreenhut

    Sudan Hay

    Okay thanks! What do you recommend for goats?
  9. TGreenhut

    Sudan Hay

    Is it okay to feed goats Sudan grass hay as their sole source of hay? In the summer the pasture grass is dead and brown so they have very little forage. My milker gets grain but not the others.
  10. TGreenhut

    Shots and worming

    My goat just kidded yesterday so when would be a good time to worm her? I have Ivomec Plus (cattle injectable) but I'd give that to her 1 cc per 33 lbs orally, correct? Also, when does she need her next CDT shot? She received her last CDT a month before she kidded. Should I give her more...
  11. TGreenhut

    What's with her udder?

    I went out there and offered them a bottled but they didn't seem hungry. So then I massaged/yanked at her udder and the teats started filling up and I was able to get milk out of them. The babies seem to be happy and nursing so I will keep in eye on everything but it seems good otherwise. The...
  12. TGreenhut

    What's with her udder?

    I'm really worried that my baby goats from last night aren't getting any milk. Her udder and teats were fine when they were born and they did get milk from them, but now its like her teats never filled back up with milk. The teats are all deflated, but her udder is still full. The babies are...
  13. TGreenhut

    mama pics pg 2. THEY'RE HERE! baby pics coming soon

    THEY'RE HERE!!!! Arrived at about 4pm. 2 babies: 1 boy, 1 girl! The boy is a lighter tan with tons of darker and lighter moon spots and he's realllyy big. The girl looks just like mama Razz but with some moon spots. Everything went so smoothly! And I got to see the whole birth. I'll post...
  14. TGreenhut

    mama pics pg 2. THEY'RE HERE! baby pics coming soon

    Well I FINALLY got the pics taken care of! And to make up for all the time you guys had to wait for these pics, I posted ALOT :D But don't worry I think we have at least another week or two before she is due so there will be more pics as she progresses and pics when the babies come. Based on...
  15. TGreenhut

    How do I find info on these nubians??

    They look really nice to me! I have nubians, and yes they do tend to look thin but that doe looks a little too thin right now. One of my nubian does looked like that when I got her but she fattened up quickly. Just make sure it's not worms that is causing her to look thin. Ask if they have been...
  16. TGreenhut

    mama pics pg 2. THEY'RE HERE! baby pics coming soon

    Yes yes! Im very sorry I'm having camera difficulties :( :( . working on getting the pictures ASAP
  17. TGreenhut

    When should a doe go into the kidding stall?

    I hate to say it but... X4! My doe Razz is due in 2 weeks and I would like to know as well.
  18. TGreenhut

    mama pics pg 2. THEY'RE HERE! baby pics coming soon

    As some of you know, I had a "newbie crisis" some time earlier because I wasn't sure of everything that needed to happen before my doe kids. But I think I've gotten everything sorted out :). She's been given all her needed vaccinations and supplements and I have her birth kit ready, so all I...
  19. TGreenhut

    Lamanchas ~ Let's See Your Earless Wonders!

    Awww all so cute! And I love the llama in the background!!