Search results

  1. TGreenhut

    Suggestions for bonding with my llamas?

    I very recently got two male intact llamas and they are shy. I want to bond with them but one does not let me touch him at all and the other only lets me touch him when I put a halter on him (which is almost impossible to do). The halter trained one will eat out of my hand only if I am very...
  2. TGreenhut

    Flaking horns

    My three does' horns have started flaking and chipping. What could this be? They have access to loose minerals and also a mineral block. I feed them alfalfa hay and a scoop of grain each day. They also have access to pasture all day.
  3. TGreenhut

    Questions about adding female llamas to the "herd"

    Right now I have three female goats and two intact male llamas. The llamas are not aggressive at all (except to dogs and predators). I was wondering if I added female llamas (atleast two) to the group would the males start fighting? Also if I added females and started birthing and raising...
  4. TGreenhut

    Groaning Llama

    Groaning is normal in situations like that. It just means she is a little nervous/unhappy.
  5. TGreenhut


    I don't know what to tell you but since you haven't gotten any responses I decided to bump you up to the top of the list by commenting. Good luck!! :hugs
  6. TGreenhut

    New Rabbits!!

    My goodness! ;)
  7. TGreenhut

    Justed sheared 'em

    Phew what a day!! I just sheared my two llamas. (Well helped the person who did ;) ) They look so funny now :D We recently got these llamas and we knew we had one intact male but the other's papers said it was a girl. This made us wonder why the "female" had never been pregnant. Finally today...
  8. TGreenhut

    Doe and a wether

    I don't think it would be a problem to keep a wether and a doe together. Yet I have never had boy goats, only does.
  9. TGreenhut

    Not sure what to do with our goats

    If I were you I would just spend alot of time with them. My three goats, when I got them, were EXTREMELY skiddish. But I spent alot of time with them, giving them love and now they won't leave me alone. They are always following me around, wanting to be pet. Some thing that really helped me bond...
  10. TGreenhut

    Hay and Horses

    Is it ok for horses to have access to hay all day long? My sister says horses should only be fed at certain times of the day but I want to leave hay out so my llamas can have access to it.
  11. TGreenhut

    Grass hay for all

    I do provide them with loose minerals and they are just pets... I don't plan on breeding them and if I do it will be next spring. And thank you eleven, I will probably just feed them mixed hay. I thought mixed hay (it has alfalfa in it where I buy) had a protein percentage higher then 10%...
  12. TGreenhut

    minerals for llamas

    My new llamas won't lick the mineral block and i can't find loose minerals for llamas anywhere. Could they get all the minerals the need if I just grind up the mineral block?
  13. TGreenhut

    Grass hay for all

    Ok I read all that and I kinda understand now but can I just get some opinions on my situation? I mean would you feed your goats only grass hay?
  14. TGreenhut

    Anybody know someone who will come shear my llamas?

    I am located in Wilton, CA (Northern CA just south of Elk Grove) and I need someone who will shear and trim the nails of my two llamas. I just got them and I haven't quite learned how to shear them myself (although I want to learn). The shearer will probably need to have a chute because they are...
  15. TGreenhut

    Who else is also a member on BYC?

    I'm TGreenhut on both :D
  16. TGreenhut

    Feeding eggs to chickens

    I feed raw eggs to my chickens once in awhile and I have never had any problems except they get messy yolk on their faces haha! I wouldn't worry about it if I were you...
  17. TGreenhut


    I know you're not supposed to feed tractor/mower cut grass because it gets gasoline in it which can be fatal if the animals eat it, but I don't know much about this stuff so if you have tools specifically designed for cutting and baling hay I don't see why not.
  18. TGreenhut

    Yum Or Yuck?

    Yum! beets?
  19. TGreenhut

    Grass hay for all

    I just recently got llamas and I have been feeding them just the standard grass hay mix. My goats were eating alfalfa hay. I leave a stall open for my llamas because it has everything they need in it and they go in there to sleep. My goats have really taken to going in there and eating all their...