Search results

  1. TGreenhut

    Goats eating horse feed

    Is it ok for goats to eat a little bit of horse feed? Because my three goats tend to break into my mare's stall and eat her food.
  2. TGreenhut

    amount of llama feed per llama

    okay and they will have six acres to roam!
  3. TGreenhut

    Can't find anyone in my area

    Have you tried Craigslist? ;)
  4. TGreenhut

    amount of llama feed per llama

    oh okay! thanks for all the help! It is my dream to raise a ranch with many animals but I am new at this so before i get any animals I want to make sure I know how to do everything right!
  5. TGreenhut

    amount of llama feed per llama

    I am thinking about getting llamas and horses but they would need to go in the same pasture and barn. Since they can't eat eachother's food and I have to feed them seperatly, how much llama food should I give each llama and how many times a day? (considering that I probably would get two female...
  6. TGreenhut

    My new girl - baby pic-

  7. TGreenhut

    Feeding llamas

    Can llamas eat alfalfa hay on a regular basis? Also I was wondeering if there is a certain type of feed that horses and llamas can eat?
  8. TGreenhut

    Barbed Wire Fence and llamas

    We really want to get a couple of llamas, we have a barn and a 6 acre fenced pasture. But there is one problem. The fencing all around our pasture is barbed wire. Ive read that if a llama gets it fur caught in the wire or gets its face cut it can be deadly. I can't remove the barbed wire because...
  9. TGreenhut

    horses and llamas

    oh okay! Thank you!
  10. TGreenhut

    horses and llamas

    Emily, what do you do about feeding since horses and llamas can't eat eachother's food.
  11. TGreenhut

    horses and llamas

    ok, thanks but to be more specific, I was wondering if I would be able to house two female llamas in the same barn and pasture as a horse and a miniature horse (we don't have horses yet so I don't know what gender they would be). Would feeding them be a problem if the horse got into the llama...
  12. TGreenhut

    horses and llamas

    Can u keep horses and llamas together?