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  1. TGreenhut

    Help!!! Goat has raw, bumpy, rashy teats

    Oh and if I give Pen G., do I use 20 gauge needles? How much would I give, twice a day?
  2. TGreenhut

    Copper (Copasure) Bolus for goats

    Good to know. I called my 4H leader and she gave me the phone number of a vet that gives her BoSe. So I'm going to call them up to see if I can arrange anything.
  3. TGreenhut

    Copper (Copasure) Bolus for goats

    Wow. Thanks so much letting me know this. I was definitely nervous about overdosing but now I feel a lot better. Do you give one bolus to younger goats or do you break it up?
  4. TGreenhut

    for $10 would you?...

    LOL yes For 10 dollars would you kiss a stinky pig on the mouth?
  5. TGreenhut

    Copper (Copasure) Bolus for goats

    Thanks everyone for the replies. I definitely am going to look into giving my goats copper bolus.
  6. TGreenhut

    Copper (Copasure) Bolus for goats

    I give the same loose minerals. I also supplement with Selenium/Vitamin E gel once a month because we have yet to find a vet who will give us BoSe.
  7. TGreenhut

    Copper (Copasure) Bolus for goats

    Who gives their goats Copasure Bolus? We have never given this, but a local breeder suggested that we give each adult goat one 12.5 gm copasure bolus, twice a year. Would you recommend this since we live in a copper deficient area? We give our goats free choice minerals but the breeder says that...
  8. TGreenhut

    Help!!! Goat has raw, bumpy, rashy teats

    Thanks so much! I looked up staph infections and thats what it appears to be. I also looked up the Chlorihexidine and the Hibiclens soap. They sell it at Tractor Supply Co. so we are heading to get it first thing tomorrow morning. For tonight, though, since it was already getting late, I just...
  9. TGreenhut

    Help!!! Goat has raw, bumpy, rashy teats

    Please help! Just now I noticed that my 4 month old doe has blistery, bug bite-like, rashy bumps all over her teats. In between the teats it is raw and slightly oozing. Same with on the left side of her teats except it's more of an open wound. I don't how long it's been like this. She seems...
  10. TGreenhut

    They're getting so big! pics

    Thanks everybody! ^^ Haha :D . She's mine! ;) Don't you just love her though?!
  11. TGreenhut

    They're getting so big! pics

    My little goaties are getting so big! This is Sasha at 4 months old now. Sasha, Kiki and the "herd mom" Razz Kiki and Sasha. They're my spoiled baby girls. Everybody is thirsty on these hot summer days. Your left to right: Kiki, Sassafras, Smokey. This is Razz. She is the leader of the...
  12. TGreenhut

    Yellowish goo coming from does prievet**** Questions**

    I think that sounds like they're in heat. Are they doing anything else weird (tail flagging, calling out constantly, etc)?
  13. TGreenhut

    Angus calf was just wondering if I should be worried.

    I'd say check for worms. My goat had a potbelly like that when I first bought her and it turned out to be a heavy worm load. I recommend getting a fecal and treating for worms. Good luck!
  14. TGreenhut

    CD&T "use entire contents when first opened"

    Ok phew! But man, that means I didn't need to throw out that bottle of CD&T! :barnie ;)
  15. TGreenhut

    Selenium and Vit E Gel for llamas

    Yep :). I sold my two males because they were unfriendly (actually mean!) and didn't guard. This time I bought a trained female guard llama that is as sweet as can be! She might be pregnant and I know that they don't guard when they have a cria to care for, but my goats are locked in the barn at...
  16. TGreenhut

    Llama minerals

    :lol: I figured. Just wanted to make sure, though. Thanks!
  17. TGreenhut

    CD&T "use entire contents when first opened"

    The bottle of CD&T says to use the entire contents when first opened, but doesn't it last for the booster shot in a month? I have always saved the bottle and used the same stuff for the booster shot a month after first using it and then I throw it away. I just noticed the warning, "use entire...
  18. TGreenhut

    Selenium and Vit E Gel for llamas

    Thanks for the help. In case your wondering why I have so many questions suddenly, I just got a new llama and I'm making sure she is up to health standards :)