Thank you for the advice! I had pigs and chickens before the purchase so they are in makeshift areas for now. I'm wanting to add some goats and a few horses. I raise meat birds twice a year as well. I didn't think about feed store ads or Craigslist. That sounds promising!
I was wondering if anyone knows of a farm store to order equipment and from that has discount/better pricing than Tractor Supply or places like that? We just bought some farm property and I am wanting to try to be more efficient so we can buy things in bulk, etc.
I am so sorry! I haven't been on here in awhile.
Our girl is doing fantastic! We bought a male awhile back and she got pregnant and now has 7 cute little babies. They are are all doing so good!
😂 Oh man, that would be crazy if she has piglets!
That sounds fantastic! We don't have a bagger on our mower but I will rake the clippings and give them to her!
Thank you! She was with other females. The man said he had a boar but he got rid of him. All the other females had babies. She was the only one without any so I don't think she is pregnant.
I just got an adult female American Guinea Hog. I was wondering if anyone has any advice on how to take care of her? I read they are pasture pigs but I only have an acre so she is in a 20' x 16' pen with a shelter made from pallets so she don't have to sleep in the mud. I could only find 14%...
Cool! We are just getting started in our journey with meat rabbits. I am looking forward to the day we have some home grown meat in the freezer!
I think that is a splendid idea with feeding both raw and kibble. I can't imagine trying to figure out the nutrition needs of 3 types of dogs!
Thanks for the info. I don't want to mess him up so I will probably give him some good kibble and then transition to the raw food diet. That way I'll be able to research it better before I try it out😃
We are considering getting a Great Pyrenees/Newfoundland cross for our mini farm. We have chickens and meat rabbits so I am wanting to switch from a kibble diet to raw food or even cooking the rabbits and chicken for our current adult dog. My question is would a diet like I just described be a...
I am just getting started on my meat rabbit herd. So far I have got a New Zealand White buck and 2 Californian does from one breeder and then 2 broken New Zealand does and what I was told is a Red New Zealand buck from another breeder. From googling I am thinking that maybe he is a meat mutt...
Thank you. That was very informative. I personally like the regular jersey and everything you said makes sense. We are wanting to have a small herd of beef cows too so I would prefer to be able to breed the milk cow to the beef bull so full size Jerseys makes more sense that way like you mentioned.
My husband and I are hoping to be buying a farm in the near future and we are wanting to get a milk cow. I know a little about Jerseys and really like the way their milk tastes and how much cream they give. I have not been around the mini Jersey yet and so was wondering what the differences are...
He is a lot cleaner now that I've had him. I've never seen him pee on himself like I have seen bucks do. I will give him a bath and see if that takes away the smell. Thank all of you so much!