Search results

  1. LeviS

    How do you raise your babies?

    With my meat goats I just let the mama take care of it, but I'm going to be going into dairy (looking at one...probably getting her, this weekend) and have been trying to decide which I want to do also. Pull babies or leave them with mama. I'm personally leaning towards bottle feeding the kids...
  2. LeviS

    Where do you milk your goats?

    Haha! I might have to milk into a heated bucked! :lol:
  3. LeviS

    Where do you milk your goats?

    Gotta love the arctic, errr, North Dakota. It was especially horrid this last winter. 50+ mph winds plus -40 - 50 without windchill AND like 3-4ft of snow, you just can't make this stuff up! Still....wouldn't want to live anywhere else! :D =D
  4. LeviS

    Where do you milk your goats?

    I know its hard to visualize, I will try and get some pictures up this evening.
  5. LeviS

    Where do you milk your goats?

    I'm in the middle of getting everything ready for accommodating a new dairy goat, will be my first time keeping a milking goat. I just finished building my stanchion and have been collecting supplies. Now its time to designate a part of my barn for milking. Looking for any ideas on what other...
  6. LeviS

    Boer Goat Thread!!!!

    I have boer/Spanish and boer/Nubian crosses, with a few of them showing boer coloring, this is only my second year though. Would like to get a full boer buck and possibly a pair of bred does this year and slowly increase into full boers.
  7. LeviS

    General Guard Llama questions

    I know this is a somewhat older thread but a bit more info never hurt right? I personally just have the one llama, he was intact but started riding the goats and was quickly castrated after that. Even with just the one llama with my goats I have yet to lose a kid or goat. When I got my llama...
  8. LeviS

    Folded Ears

    Since this seems to be a common thing in Boers, was just curious if its something that I should cull for (in the future when I get into registered)? Its a horizontal fold, not vertical btw.
  9. LeviS

    Folded Ears

    This is my second year raising meat goats and last year, my first year, I didn't have this problem. Last fall I purchased a new Spanish/Boer buck that did not display folded ears, neither did his offspring (which I got to see). I'm assuming that he was the carrier of this trait, I no longer have...
  10. LeviS

    Hello from North Dakota!

    Hello there everyone! Long time lurker of this site and have finally decided I want to contribute. I've been using the sites sister site BYC for some time and have to reference topics from this site often. I live in western North Dakota, I currently have 13 boer/Spanish/Nubian cross does and 27...