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  1. Egg_Newton

    BYH Animal Count - 856 Critters As of 2/16!

    6-goats 5-chickens I like to keep it small and intimate ;)
  2. Egg_Newton

    anyone having human predators?

    There was an article in the Indianapolis news paper a couple weeks ago where a teenage boy went into his neighbors barn and stabbed his goats to death. They caught him by following the trail of blood back to his house. Very disturbing!
  3. Egg_Newton

    Our Animals Come Tax Time

    So, I started my taxes this morning and it occurred to me even though I'm not really in this for the money and to make a business out of it there is a possibility of a profit to be made and a much greater possibility of a tax write off in my back yard. 2012 was my first year really investing in...
  4. Egg_Newton

    T-post or Wooden Post?

    Thank you Straw Hat! You are always so helpful!
  5. Egg_Newton

    T-post or Wooden Post?

    Opinions? We are putting up field fence on approx. an acre or mostly wooded area this spring for 6-10 ND and mini-nub goats. We also plan on putting in two strands of electric wire. One above and one about rubbing height. Which would you recommend? t-post or wood post?
  6. Egg_Newton

    Feeding Post???

    Yay! Thank you!!! IDK y I couldn't find it. :hu
  7. Egg_Newton


    Me too! I'm in Indiana!:woot
  8. Egg_Newton

    Re use what ya got!

    I'm having a hard time picturing that. Could you take a pic?
  9. Egg_Newton

    Feeding Post???

    There was a post on here about how we choose to feed our goats. Including breeds, area where located, and sex, pregnant? not pregnant? etc. But I can't seem to find it anymore. Can someone help me? I found it very useful and there was something on there about a copper/selenium supplement gel in...
  10. Egg_Newton

    Somebody help me. I'm teetering on getting more goats.

    I completely understand. I have it too. When I read you were looking to sell your pregnant ND my first instinct was to see where you were located! :lau And I already have a bottle buck I'm picking up next weekend. I only have four does right now but they are addictive little buggers aren't' they?
  11. Egg_Newton

    Anyone wanna split/ sell some copasure?

    I just got a big ol bottle of 12.5g Copasure. I only have a handful of goats and this bottle will last me forever! Is anyone interested in splitting it with me?
  12. Egg_Newton

    Icicles on penis

    Hmmm didn't know Frozen Goat Penis had a FB page....
  13. Egg_Newton


    If CAE is only transmitted through milk why test bucks?
  14. Egg_Newton

    Is there money to be made?

    I just put a deposit on a buckling who's both parents have won grand champions. I've never put much thought into showing . I was just wondering are there cash prizes or is it all for titles?
  15. Egg_Newton

    Possibly Pregnant Doe-Updated Pics Due May 31st???

    Ok so did a between the toe check. She does have an injury. It looks a little pusy.I cleaned it and sprayed blukote on it. What should I do? I don't feel like blukote is going to be enough.
  16. Egg_Newton

    Considering Mini Nubians

    I just got a mini about a week ago. She is a little bigger than my NDs but isn't too pushy. There was little butter ng when I first introduced her so she let them know she was in charge now. But she's super sweet ;otherwise. They seem to be harder to find then Nigerians tho.
  17. Egg_Newton

    Possibly Pregnant Doe-Updated Pics Due May 31st???

    No bleeding, no smell, no heat or swelling. :hu Guess I'll just wait and see.
  18. Egg_Newton

    Possibly Pregnant Doe-Updated Pics Due May 31st???

    I may have. She was way over due for a trimming I probably should have just trimmed a little bit then waited and finished trimming. I'm going to clean it up and have a good look when I put them up for the night. I didn't see or smell anything when I was trimming that would indicate foot rot.
  19. Egg_Newton

    Goat Feeder-I Got it for my T-Rex!!!

    I took her pic then thought, how in the heck did she do that??!?!And how am I going to get her out? Then she jumped out just as "gracefully" as she jumped in. :lau