There was an article in the Indianapolis news paper a couple weeks ago where a teenage boy went into his neighbors barn and stabbed his goats to death. They caught him by following the trail of blood back to his house. Very disturbing!
So, I started my taxes this morning and it occurred to me even though I'm not really in this for the money and to make a business out of it there is a possibility of a profit to be made and a much greater possibility of a tax write off in my back yard. 2012 was my first year really investing in...
Opinions? We are putting up field fence on approx. an acre or mostly wooded area this spring for 6-10 ND and mini-nub goats. We also plan on putting in two strands of electric wire. One above and one about rubbing height. Which would you recommend? t-post or wood post?
There was a post on here about how we choose to feed our goats. Including breeds, area where located, and sex, pregnant? not pregnant? etc. But I can't seem to find it anymore. Can someone help me? I found it very useful and there was something on there about a copper/selenium supplement gel in...
I completely understand. I have it too. When I read you were looking to sell your pregnant ND my first instinct was to see where you were located! :lau And I already have a bottle buck I'm picking up next weekend. I only have four does right now but they are addictive little buggers aren't' they?
I just got a big ol bottle of 12.5g Copasure. I only have a handful of goats and this bottle will last me forever! Is anyone interested in splitting it with me?
I just put a deposit on a buckling who's both parents have won grand champions. I've never put much thought into showing . I was just wondering are there cash prizes or is it all for titles?
Ok so did a between the toe check. She does have an injury. It looks a little pusy.I cleaned it and sprayed blukote on it. What should I do? I don't feel like blukote is going to be enough.
I just got a mini about a week ago. She is a little bigger than my NDs but isn't too pushy. There was little butter ng when I first introduced her so she let them know she was in charge now. But she's super sweet ;otherwise. They seem to be harder to find then Nigerians tho.
I may have. She was way over due for a trimming I probably should have just trimmed a little bit then waited and finished trimming. I'm going to clean it up and have a good look when I put them up for the night. I didn't see or smell anything when I was trimming that would indicate foot rot.
I took her pic then thought, how in the heck did she do that??!?!And how am I going to get her out? Then she jumped out just as "gracefully" as she jumped in.