I was taking pics today of my goats today and I noticed my 7 month old doeling had all of those symptoms. She's had the dandruff for a few months. I've treated everyone for lice and mites so I don't think it is parasite related. She has not been wormed but did have a fecal done on everyone a few...
Well, she's a mini so I don't know if she will ever reach 80lbs. If so it will be a while. I weighed her this afternoon and she was 35lbs. I'm going to breed my ND's tuesday and wait 2 months and the breed my minis. That way she and the buck will be a little more capable. I did notice today the...
For sale registerd ND does and ND buck. All very friendly and healthy. I plan on breeding them in the next couple weeks. The red doe is triple registered and 5 years old($200). Gave birth to twin girls last spring unassisted. She is a little stocky for a ND but thows lovely kids. The buckskin...
Just found my own answer! Thought I would post it in case anyone else had the same question. So, I will weigh her and probably end up waiting a couple/few more months.
How do you know if your goat is mature enough to breed? Bucks (male goats) are fairly easy - they can breed as early as 3...
I'm trying to figure out my breeding plan for this fall. I have a 4 month mini nubian buckling. I'm not sure if he will be able to get the job done with my older girls (3 and 5 years). I have a doe who just turned 7 months. I know the general rule of thumb is 1 year, but she will be a year old...
Unfortunately, it is restricted in Indiana so Jeffers won't ship it here. I purchased the Case-Bac and plan on using it this year but would like to have the one specifically for goats for next year. If there anyone in KY, MI, or OH that would let me have it shipped to you then ship it to me...
To each is their own....I love waddles on chickens and goats. My Heavenly with her waddles....My all-time favorite ears are the airplane or 2/3 drop ears because they can stick them in the air when they are butting or just being silly. She's pretending she's flying! (for the record, the wind is...
I am wanting to sell some of my goats but I love them all so much! I have ND and mini-nubians and am wanting to focus more on the minis but two of the ND are my favorite. Of course the ND I love the most isn't registered even tho she is beautiful and has great conformation. Maybe I'll post pics...