We quarantine for 30 days and deworm every 10 days during that time. They also get tested during that time. Other than that we just monitor carefully until the month is up.
We've finally firmed up our late Summer/Fall breeding schedule and now have reservations available on 3 additional does:
Rosasharn SP Sun Ra (MCH Rosasharn SW Sapporo *S x Rosasharn TL Sun Dance). This gorgeous ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++*S E granddaughter will be due January 2012. Bred to...
Training goats to the stanchion is like training anything else. Positive reinforcement and a firm but fair hand will win out eventually. Be patient and outlast them no matter how stubborn they are! :P I have one who every once in a while decides she's done in the middle of milking and throws...
I bought a gallon of Tomlyn Sulfa Tar shampoo from PetAgree that has lasted me forever. You'll find it anywhere that sells professional grooming supplies. I add the same diluted 3% Chlorhexidine surgical scrub (also bought a gallon) that I use for udder wash. Like I said- it's really not...
Cocci ARE species specific. But it's the goat cocci the chickens are walking through in common areas then climbing into the hay manger, the edge of the water bucket, scratching in feed pans, etc.
Personally, I'm not at all concerned with my chickens free ranging outside of the goat barn and we...
Chickens can easily spread cocci by walking around on the ground (picking up oocysts) then jumping onto feeders, water buckets, into the hay, etc. If you do let chickens have access to goat feed/water areas it's that much more important to keep soil parasite loads down and keep on top of...
I use a medicated tar and sulfa shampoo (antifungal) with a little chlorhexidine (antibacterial) added for good measure. I'm sure it's completely unnecessary since we have never had major skin issues (knock on wood!), but I like to cover my bases all the same and it's a rare opportunity to do so.
I use seamless stainless steel 2 qt dog kennel pails from Jeffer's. Snagged them on sale for around $3 each. They've worked GREAT! Just make sure they're seamless- some of the stainless steel kennel pails have seams in the bottom. They come in larger sizes, but the 2 qt fit under Nigerians.
AB had false cycles her last pregnancy. Drove me nuts. She also tends to be a little saddle-baggy so the belly tells you nadda. Unfortunately there's just no guessing with her- if you want to keep your sanity you mind consider sending in a sample to BioTracking.
She also puts EVERYTHING into...
Yes, her growth rate slowed. I haven't weighed her lately, but she's 5 months now and if I had to venture a guess I'd say she's a little over 40 lbs. Maybe closer to 45.