When ours need to put on flesh we offer free choice alfalfa and add in beet pulp in addition to their regular grain ration. It's worked really well for us.
Bottle raising is usually an either or type situation, but some folks are successful with separating overnight, feeding the kids one bottle each morning, then putting them back with mom. You'd of course milk her out before the kids get returned. Some of the less cooperative does may not let...
No, I was really asking! I thought you might have something particular in mind. Really. I mentioned my two because it can be normal, not that it is normal in her case. We need a "this is really a question, not being snarky" emoticon... :P
What sort of illness might the squeaky voice indicate, 20kids?
I have an adult doe that sounds like that all the time. I own her paternal half brother and his voice is the same if he attempts to exceed a certain volume level- it sorta cracks then squeaks. At lower volume levels they both...
From a body condition stand point your older, horned doe does look like she's in good health. Her coat looks normal- no scruffiness. I wouldn't say she's in bad shape. The younger gold doe isn't in what I would consider bad shape either, but she could use a little weight. Kids need more in...
Notice how the hairs look crimped and overall the coat is dull? That's what is meant by a rough coat.
Why not just take the fecal to the vet? They shouldn't charge more than $20 at the MOST to run a fecal and then you'll know exactly where you stand on her parasite burden. The dewormers and...
One at a time! :lol: Seriously- if you let more than one goat into your parlor at a time you're going to need blood pressure meds. Like free said- I let them out of the gate one at a time, milk, and lead them back. Then on to the next. I don't tolerate crowding at the gate- ours opens into...
We bottle raise kids, so we pull them at 24-48 hours. Routine is extremely important- I would separate her and her buckling right away for 2 reasons: 1) if he's still nursing she's never going to look to you for "relief" and 2) at 12 weeks he is old enough to breed her. I wouldn't give up on...
Your doe with horns is the healthiest looking in terms of body condition. It's basically impossible to overfeed alfalfa when it comes to a 4 month old kid- she needs the extra protein and calcium while she's growing. Our kids get free choice alfalfa. I understand your reticence to overfeed...
I agree with currycomb. You have more than one thing going on there... Sounds like you might be new to goats so here are a couple things you should research: 1) body condition scoring/nutrition 2) parasite management 3) copper bolusing. I highly recommend you get a fecal at your vet without...