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  1. SmallFarmGirl

    SmallFarmGirl's journal- Books & Cats!

    Thanks Ya'll.... :celebrate :hugs
  2. SmallFarmGirl

    SmallFarmGirl's journal- Books & Cats!

    Missed you too! How's hank??
  3. SmallFarmGirl

    SmallFarmGirl's journal- Books & Cats!

    It's been a long, long, longggggg time. :lol: :frow (Well, it seems like it...) I'm back though! And I'm still loving my mini farm! *QUICK UPDATE* Kisses and Betty are both bred! The hens are great and I have 2 new Americauna Chicks! I might be showing soon, and I might be getting a new doe...
  4. SmallFarmGirl

    SmallFarmGirl's journal- Books & Cats!

    Thank you. They are now out of the box with mom on a nest in the corner of the coop. After watching their mom eat and drink they figured out how to do it. After trying to eat their mother's comb and wattles they realized the little gold stuff is food and the red container has fresh water! They...
  5. SmallFarmGirl

    SmallFarmGirl's journal- Books & Cats!

    PEEP! That's about all I can say. 2 early *chicks* Decided to make their intro to the world a day early! More pics to come!
  6. SmallFarmGirl

    Need help with legal question about a purchased goat... UPDATE...

    I kinda have the same problem. I paid quite alot for goats with papers! 6 months later, I'm still asking for the papers. I really don't know...
  7. SmallFarmGirl

    ELeVan ~ Honaker Farm Journal

    I vote for both. Chicks and baby leroys.
  8. SmallFarmGirl

    Hello from WA

    I like your blog! You've got a Lovely family and farm!
  9. SmallFarmGirl

    Hello from WA

  10. SmallFarmGirl

    Buck goat meat

    I've never tasted goat cheese with a after taste. You have to be careful about goats diet and how you make the or you can get bad cheese. About buck meat, I have no idea, sorry. I do know some people on here have eaten buck meat before and I've never heard anyone not like it. Sorry, don't...
  11. SmallFarmGirl

    feed container solutions?

    OHHHHH!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! I'd love one of those!!!!!
  12. SmallFarmGirl

    How big an enclosure for the buck?

    My 2 Nigis does have a 20 by 26 ish place that works great. About that much room is good for 2 small goats. He needs a friend though! :welcome
  13. SmallFarmGirl

    Some assembly required ;)

    WOW! That's going to be cool! We'll need pics of that too! ;)
  14. SmallFarmGirl

    Some assembly required ;)

    Can't see what it is???
  15. SmallFarmGirl

    SmallFarmGirl's journal- Books & Cats!

    it's o.k. Thanks for the :hugs !!!! I have 2 clutches. The first is under a Buff Orpington. The second is under a buff orpington and a stubborn brown leghorn who wants to share the nest. :lau The eggs are from my friends flock. She has no broodies so she gave 11 eggs to put under my BROODY...